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Kou and Mitsuba walked to school, Mitsuba occasionally bumping into Kou's side. Kou ignored it, thinking he was probably still sleepy and couldn't walk probably.

"Kou! Mitsuba! You guys are here!" Yashiro pulled them into a group hug, ruffling Mitsuba's hair "Are you feeling better, Mitsuba?" Yashiro said worriedly pulling away from the hug to make eye contact with the pink-haired boy.

"Yeah! I felt better after Kou-kun's amazing soup." Mitsuba nudged Kou with his shoulder, Kou blushed "I-I'm glad your feeling better! Also, my soup wasn't that amazing." Kou looked down hiding his blush of embarrassment.

"Was too! Anyways I have to get to class. I'll see you guys at the bathroom during lunch!" Mitsuba hugged Kou and Yashiro, then left for his first period.

"That's weird..." Kou told himself under his breath,
"What is?"
"Huh? Oh, nothing."
"Mhmm suree...." Yashiro looked suspiciously at Kou.
"Fine. It's just Mitsuba isn't really the touchy type."
"Well, maybe something changed about him! It's fascinating how people's feelings and personalities can change so quickly." Yashiro said, almost like it was a question. The bell rang.
"Oh! Bye Yashiro-senpai!" Kou ran off not letting Yashiro say her goodbye, so she just sighed and shrugged it off, walking to her class.


Finally, lunch had arrived, Kou couldn't wait any longer and ran into the bathroom.
"Minamoto-kun! You're late!" Mitsuba said with a mouth full of some chicken Kou had prepared earlier in the morning for lunch.
"Hey don't eat all of it! I only made one box of it!" Kou rushed over to Mitsuba's side and started eating.
"Ooh~ Such husband material Kou is~" Hanako teased.
"Leave me alone! Mitsuba was sick I just wanted to do something nice."
"So you're saying you wouldn't make me lunch if I was completely healthy?" Mitsuba turned to Kou and looked at him with puppy dog eyes.
"I- Well- I would, but-" Kou stuttered, how could he speak while Mitsuba looked so adorable. Yashiro and Hanako giggled. Mitsuba continued eating and so did Kou, pretending like it never happened.

Mitsuba leaned on Kou, listening to Yashiro's and Hanako's conversation while Kou occasionally commented something.

"Hey, Mitsuba wake up." Kou gently lifted Mitsuba from his shoulder, "It's time for class."

"Mmm.. okay." Mitsuba woke up rubbing his eyes, "Hey, Kou-kun, want to sleep over again?"
"AGAIN?!" Hanako shouted,
"No wonder you're so tired Mitsuba." Yashiro commented then laughed.
"It's hard to sleep knowing that a loser is sleeping right beside you in your bed." Mitsuba laughed along with Yashiro.
"Hanako-san, I just heard somewhere that if you give someone else your sickness the person who is sick is bound to feel better! And the easiest way to exchange the sickness is by being close to each other! I mean, I didn't get sick but either way, it seems like Mitsuba feels better!" Kou retorted.
"Mhm sure." Hanako rolled his eyes, "Whatever get to class love birds." Hanako went back to his stall and they all walked out to their classes.

Kou could not focus during algebra at all. Mitsuba was off today, he seemed kinder than usual, and more clingy as well.


Mitsuba waited for Kou at the front of the school, "I'm sorry Mitsubaaaa! I got held back in my last period." Kou said with an apologetic look plastered on his face.
"Whatever." Mitsuba took Kou's hand and intertwined their fingers, "Let's go, my mom likes to cook dinner early." He didn't even give any time for Kou to process what had just happened.

Is he holding my hand?! Are we dating now!? Only couples do this right?! Is this normal!? Am I gay!? Kou couldn't think straight, one of the cutest boys was holding his hand and leading him to his house.

The walk to Mitsuba's house was silent, neither of the two said anything, sometimes Kou would try and start a conversation but nothing would come out, same with Mitsuba. Until finally Mitsuba spoke up, "This is okay, right?"
"What is?"
"Us holding hands, isn't that kinda like, homo." Mitsuba said, trying to hold back his laughter.
"Well, you started it. Also, couples aren't the only ones that hold hands Mitsuba!" Kou scolded.
"Sure, but are you fine with me holding your hand?"
"Yea! I don't mind at all, it's kind of comforting in a way." Kou's voice trailed off near the end of his sentence.


After arriving at Mitsuba's house, and quickly finishing dinner and homework. It was finally time for bed. This time they didn't stay up so late, even if the next day was a Friday, Sousuke's mom insisted on them sleeping early. Kou changed into the pj's Mitsuba gave him, and walked back into Mitsuba's room. Mitsuba was already laying in bed half asleep, so Kou quietly laid beside him, they were in the same position, or almost the same position they laid in last night, Mitsuba snuggling into Kous chest. "Are we really going to sleep right now? Can't we talk about something?" whispered Mitsuba.
"Oh, I thought you were already asleep. Did I wake you up?" Kou replied, also in a whisper.
"No you didn't, if you did I would probably have you sleep on the couch."
Kou chuckled and ran his fingers through Mitsubas hair.
"Your hair is like, really really soft."
"Thank you. It's probably one of my cutest traits."
"I think every single trait of yours is cute." Kou said stopping what he was doing, "I mean- yeah- you're cute- wait- "
"Thank you, I think you're cute too I guess." Mitsuba said, snuggling closer to Kous chest and wrapping arms around him.
"I- what?" Kou looked down at Mitsuba and Mitsuba looked up, they stared at each other in silence.
"What? I'm only returning your compliment."
"So I'm not cute to you?" Kou asked, this was all confusing to him.
"Kou, if I didn't see you as cute why would I call you cute?" Mitsuba inquired.
"I dont kn-" before Kou could even finish speaking, a soft pair of lips kissed his own.

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