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It was bathroom cleaning day, Mitsuba was nowhere to be found. "Kou-kun where's Mitsuba?" Yashiro tapped on Kou's shoulder, "Oh he must be sick today, he didn't meet at our usual spot during break time today either." Kou smiled at Yashiro but her and Hanako could tell he was upset. Hanako stood right in front of Kou "Cheer up kid! We can go see him at his house if he is sick!" and so the group decided to suprise Mitsuba at his house.

They arrived and knocked on the door, a tall lady opened the door and greeted them, "Hello!" she greeted them with a warm smile,
"H-hi, i'm Kou Minamoto, is Mitsuba here?" Kou asked, a little nervous sense it was his first time at Mitsuba's house,
"Yes he is here! I am Sousukes's mom by the way, he has a fever and is in his room, you can go see him if you'd like!" Mitsuba's mom was overjoyed that her son had friends visiting. Yashiro and Kou took off their shoe's and walked towards Mitsuba's room door. Yashiro knocked on the door and said "It's me Yashiro! i'm here with Kou-kun, a-and," Yashiro looked around to make sure Mitsuba's mom wouldn't think she was insane, "and Hanako-kun aswell!"
"Come in." Mitsuba croaked. They all walked in and Hanako and Yashiro examined Mitsuba on his bed from afar, Kou sat on his bed and looked at Mitsuba, "Stop looking so sad loser i'm not on my death bed or something." Mitsuba poked and laughed at Kou.
"Yeah yeah," Kou got up and left the room,
"Where is he going?" Mitsuba asked Yashiro
"Probably bathroom?"

Kou asked Mitsuba's mom if he could use the kitchen, he prepared a chicken noodle soup for Mitsuba, Kou went back to Mitsuba's room and set up a table and placed the soup on top the table surface. "What's that!" Hanako asked looking at the soup curiously,
"Soup, to make Mitsuba feel better." Kou smiled,
"Wow I didn't know you could cook Kou-kun!" Yashiro patted Kou's head,
"Thanks Yashiro-senpai, Mitsuba try it!" Mitsuba sat up on his bed and reached for the spoon, he tasted the soup, "IT'S DELICIOUS MINAMOTO-KUN!" Mitsuba brightened up,
"I'm glad you like it."

Hanako left early to return to the school, about two hours of hanging out with Kou and Mitsuba, Yashiro left because she had to feed her hamster. Kou and Mitsuba we're remaining, they both sat on Mitsuba's bed and were watching a random baking show on the television, Kou occasionally criticizing their baking skills, "They forgot the sugar! That's not how you make home made jelly! Too late now, they only have 20 minutes left." Mitsuba didn't really want to watch the baking show, but he only did because it was funny to hear Kou's stupid commentary's. "Minamoto-kun, would you like me to call your mom to pick you up, or would you like to sleep over?" Mitsuba's mom barged into his room, Kou exchanged glances with Mitsuba, "Yeah, i'll stay over." Kou replied with his usual bright smile. After Mitsuba's mother left the room, Mitsuba punched Kou's shoulder slightly, "Why did you say you wanted to stay?"
"Because I do? Also I heard that if you give some one else your sickness the person who is sick is bound to feel better!" Kou pat Mitsuba's head,
"How do we do that?" Mitsuba was a little bit confused, how could he give somebody his fever?
"Hugging each other?"
"We do that everyday."
"What if, hmm, sleep in the same bed! That could work?" Kou questioned himself if it was a good choice to say that or not, Mitsuba put up a fight but eventually agreed, "But on one condition, we aren't cuddling okay!"

They got ready for bed and Kou turned off the lights, "Goodnight Mitsuba." Kou said softly,
"Yeah whatever goodnight loser." Mitsuba muttered. Kou fell asleep almost immediately, Mitsuba on the other hand couldn't find a comfortable position to sleep in, he gave up after while of shuffling in the bed trying to find a comfortable position to sleep in, Mitsuba snuggled into Kou's chest, it's my only choice, plus it's the most comfortable, you can last one night like this right Sousuke? Mitsuba fell asleep wrapped in blankets and Kou's arms, it was pretty comforting to him, it felt like a warm furnace or like a pile of weighted blankets piled on top of him. He felt something move, he looked up and realized he probably had woken Kou up, "Mitsuba.. what are you doing?" Kou said half asleep, Mitsuba realized he had gotten into a very comfortable state to the point that he was squeezing Kou.
"I'm sorry, I didn't realize-" before Mitsuba could finish Kou puleld him into a tighter hug,
"I'll stay like this if it makes you feel comfortable okay?" Kou said, still half asleep so it didn't sound truly reassuring to Mitsuba, he didn't reply to Kou, he stayed put hugging Kou like a pillow and dreaming about clouds that each held a vision about every person he knew, for some reason, he couldn't get to find Kou's cloud? Is he hiding something from me? Do I not know him well enough?

The sun started to rise and it lit up Mitsuba's room. Kou woke up first and rubbed his eyes, he looked at Mitsuba who was stillbhugging him, Kou didn't mind he was sick and probably couldn't find a comfortable way to sleep, and it was better for sick people to rest.

Mitsuba woke up and broke out of Kou's embrace, "Say thank you." Kou demanded
"For what?"
"For being such a good friend!" Kou slighty slapped Mitsuba's back.
"Thank you. I feel better now. Now can we please get ready for school?" Mitsuba whined
"Okay!" Kou grinned brightly and got ready.

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