Day Dreams-Georges POV

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"CLAY" I yelled in a annoyed tone,
"Oh- I, yes George?" Dream finally replied,
"Were you not listening to me?" I said looking at Dream through his mask. It took a minute for Dream to respond.
"uh, no sorry I got lost in space for a few moments, sorry." Dream apologized, I kept staring into Dreams mask that was hiding his face.
"It's fine, everyone gets lost in space at some point." I smiled at him.
"I should've listened to you can repeat what you just said to me if you want, I'll listen I promise." Dream answered back while taking my hand in the process. My heart dropped as soon as I felt his warm hands touch mine,
"It's fine it wasn't that important anyway." I giggled, and then grabbed onto Dreams hand as wanted. There was a few seconds of silence before he said anything,
"How long have we been at this tree, I kinda lost track." Dream said as he broke the silence,
"Uh... We have been at this tree for about 15 minutes, I was talking to you for a while."
I said knowing because he was again zoned out, It kinda made me frustrated but I didn't really mind.
"Dream, your zoning out again." I said in a blank tone,
"Shit, Sorry I don't know why I keep zoning out." He said looking at our hands touching. I didn't respond for a minute.
"Dream are you ok?" I said still looking towards him,
"Yeah I'm fine George, Why do you ask?" He replied,
"Uh I dont know actually, It was a dumb qustion forget I even said anything," I laughed ashamed,
"No No Gogy, it's fine you were just wondering what's wrong... there's nothing wrong with asking that." Dream said looking straight at me through his mask.
"Yeah... I guess so." I replied looking down at the ground.
An hour had passed by in an instant, 1 hour felt like 10 minutes when talking to Dream, the one I love the most. The bell would ring, and me and Dream would go our separate ways when going to classes. Before me and Dream went to our classes, he grabbed my hand and kissed it before leaving.
"Bye Gogy, i'll see ya in a few hours, I love you." Dream said while looking down to my height,
"Love you Dreamy, i'll see ya later." I said while blushing like crazy, then walked to my class.

As soon as I reached my class I walked into the cold classroom and took a seat at the back of the class just so that maybe the teacher wouldn't call out on me, also that students wouldn't look at my neck. My neck was severely bruised from Dreams kisses from the previous hour before the current. The class lesson would start and I would just day dream, I would daydream about Dreams hands on me, him kissing me, kissing my neck, lips and cheeks. I still felt him on my neck, I leaned my head down but kept my hands behind my neck while closing my eyes. I quickly snapped out of my day dreaming when someone said my name.
"GEORGE!" the voice yelled, I flung my head right back up so fast since I was startled. My eyes shifted back to the brightness of the classroom, and looked up to see my teacher looking straight at me.
"Fuck" I thought to myself,
"Uh yes?" I said rubbing my neck,
"Come up to the front of the class right now." My teacher said in a serious tone, I got up very slowly from my desk and started walking to the front of the class feeling everyone's eyes on me. As soon as I got to the front, the teacher would carry on to say,
"Are you not paying atten-" he was quickly cut off because he looked at my bruised neck,
"George... What is on your neck?" he said crossing his arms,
"Well if you really want to know, its skin." I said smug, And let me tell you, my teacher was not happy about that.
"Stop being smart, I mean what are those on your neck." he said furious, the class was laughing at this point,
"Oh, you're talking about my hickeys." I said smiling very proud,
"And what girl gave you those?" He asked still pissed at me,
"Well... Not so much as a girl Mr. Pip." I said looking at him directly in the eyes. Mr. Pip looked very surprised at what I just said. The students were looking at one another very weirdly, and even some whispering to others, I see why though.
"Get out of my class room George." Mr. Pip said to me pointing to the door. Before I started walking out, I had to say something,
"Do you also want to know who gave me them?" I didn't let Mr. pip answer,
"Dream!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. The students looked shocked at the name I just said, but what was the point of the looks, they already saw us kissing in the hallway that one time... so what was the difference?
"GET OUT GEORGE!" Mr. Pip yelled, I took the hint and left.
I walked down the hallways then out of the exit, at this point I was so done with school. I just wanted Dream and only him, I grabbed my phone and texted him.

George: Dream, leave class and meet me outside by the front entrance to the school and behind that tree. I'll be there . I texted him, A few minutes passed , and I would get a text back saying

Dream: Ok i'll see you in 3 minutes :) I smiled and then putted my phone back in my pocket,

Three minutes would pass and I would see Dream walking out the doors and then towards me. When Dream would be close enough to me, I would pull him behind the tree with me and continue to say,
"You are currently all mine for the next 5 minutes Dreamy," I said while putting my hands behind his head where the mask was clipped on
"Yes you are." Dream said as he put his two hands on my waist, After he said that, something went off inside of me, so I unclicked his mask and hooked onto his lips. Dreams lips were warm and soft, I think every time I kiss him I think of the same thing, While kissing I jumped onto his hips and started kissing him even more passionately then before he was also leaning into it. We were leaning on a tree at that point, what's with us and trees? After he was done with my lips It was my turn,
"It's my turn Dreamy." He knew exactly what I meant and lifted his head up, I started sucking on the left side of his neck then the right, by the time I was done it had already been 5 minutes. The bell rang and startled the both of us. I finally let go of Dream's neck and looked up to see the bruises/ hickeys I left on him.
"There we go, now we're both even Dreamy." I said very low looking into his emerald green eyes,
"I guess we are, until later." Dream winked at me. People started to walk out of the school for break and Dream had to snap his mask back on a few seconds later. I already missed his face but I would see him later without it.

Author: Yes I am finally back from my break, I kinda just lost the motivation to write so I just took a break for a few weeks. But I am back and I will be trying to post a new chapter every Sunday :) -Lil_g2226

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