Ch.1: where did it all go wrong?

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I walked back and forth in the kitchen, rubbing my arms as I kept close to the home phone, constently telling myself it was alright,  but I knew I was kidding myself, It's been about a year since I saw or heard from from him, missing our child being born, missing her birthday, missing MY birthday, it felt like a nightmare I just wanted to wake up from and see my beloved laying beside me and smiling at me....but I knew that wouldnt happen,  did he get caught?   is he dead?   did he run out on us?   so many qustions ran through my mind...this was never like him......the only time he disapeared was when he was......normal....

I felt so alone and so lost,  I knew I wasnt alone ever since I had Jewl she always kept me on my toes and always keeping me busy, but that was before Liu went missing, the secund he took me to the hospital to deliver her and took us home, that was the night he never came home....and I been raising Jewl alone for a year now...  

I sighed as I walked up stairs to check on her and to make sure was sleeping well since it was her nap time, I opend the door to her room and saw her fast alseep in her crib,  she had Liu's hair and my (y/c/e) eyes,  his nose and my lips and mostly his temper,   I couldnt help but smile as I leaned on the door way before quietly shutting the door and walking back down stairs and to the livingroom and get on my laptop,   I checked Youtube for something to watch, then a video caught my attention, chills ran down my back as I staired at the title,   'Jeff The Killer Caught Live!'   my shaking hand held onto the mouse as I quickly clicked on the video, and began watching it,  someone who had maybe a phone or a old camera ran down the streen in a huff as tons of police cars and ambulances surrounded the background along with tons of people yelling and shouting.

Somehow the person got close enough to one of the police cars, showing that Jeff had finally been caught, sitting in the back seat hand cuffed as he looked out the window glaring at the person filming,  
"Haha, they finally got you sucker!"
the person clearly a male laughed and mocked as Jeff just sat there, glaring death daggers at the camera, 
"Fuck you Bitch!"  
Jeff yelled as he shocked me as he head butted the window hard enough to crack it,  blood trickled down his forhead as the male once again laughed, 
"What a fucking loser!"
I watched as Jeff growled as he kept his eyes on the camera, I shook my head as I kept watching the video, watching as the police surpirsingly walked past the male as if he didnt even see him and drove off with Jeff,  cheering in the back ground erupted as the video finally stopped,   who would be crazy enough to get that close to someone like Jeff and mock him?!  I sighed as I closed my laptop and turned on the tv, turning it to the news to see if anything about Liu would pop up. 

I was about to give up and turn off the tv when his name caught my attention, snapping my head to the tv so quickly I could of snapped my own neck!  there a female reporter stood infront of some large building,  she kept a straight face as she patted her hair down as the wind blew and what looked like a storm starting up,  
"I'm Gale Bowers with you 11pm news report, and I stand before you the one place the two nitoreal killers are locked up,  Jeffrey Woods and Liu Woods, they currently are under extream servalence watch and medical watch at St.Mary's penitentry, we tried to go in for an interveiw but sadly turned away, we are also under watch for a tornado, anyone who lives in or close by vegas please make sure to find shelter or out out of town till this is over,"

I couldnt belive it, I just couldnt belive it! this whole time Liu was locked up!  I ran from the livingroom to our bedroom and got changed and grabbed the car keys and hurried to Jewl's room, picking her up and swaddling her in her blanket and strapped her in her carrier and hurried out the house, the news report was right, there was a tornado coming, and it was close by, the wind was very strong,  trees bending down from how strong the wind was.

I hurried us in the jeep, strapping her to the back seat and buckled myself in before driving to St.Mary,   thank god for Liu for putting in that GPS for us,  luckily the penitentary wasnt too far away, it was just on the outside of the city, close by the desert, I parked the jeep and grabbed Jewl and hurried inside, rain began pouring down hard, soaking both of us as I walked in the building and sighed,  I looked around and saw exactly what an insane asylum looked like, it was frighting looking,  a long hallway was infront of me with a securtary desk at the end, I hurried over and looked at the old woman fileing paper work, shortly looking at me, placing on her glasses to get a better look, 
"Can I help you miss?"  
she asked with a stern yet concerned voice, I stammered over my words, not knowing what to say,  I couldnt tell her I was Liu's wife, they would only have me arrested as well! I looked down and noticed a help wanted articale for this place in the newpaper beside her, 
"I'm here for the job!"
The woman looked over her glasses as she raised a brow, 
"Arnt you a little young for this kind of job or place?"
I bit my lip then forced a fake laugh, 
"I get that alot! I guess its because I have a young face! I just turned...23 this year!"  
the woman looked me over then shrugged, before standing up and walking behind the counter with a few files in hand,  
"Follow me"
was all she said, I couldnt belive that actually worked! normally I wasnt a greak liar but not this time!  I cheered in my mind as I smiled alittle and rubbed Jewl's back, making her fussy alittle, making the woman look back with a concerned look,
"You brought a child to work?"
I stopped and blushed, shit what was I gonna say now?  I looked down then back at her quickly, 
"I would of kept her at home, but there's so many creeps in my neighborhood and with my husband in.....jail im the only one who takes care of her....its been hard to be honest, she cries all the time, and knowing she never met her father it must kill her inside, I know it kills me....and I know its not the best idea to have a baby in a place like this but I think maybe it would give some people a little light in their darkest of times"

The woman looked at me with such sorrow, placing a hand on my shoulder and gave a small smile,   
"bless you dear, its not every day we get someone like you who enter these doors and always have a smile on their face"   
I forced  a smile as we kept walking, reaching a set of stairs and some more hallways,  at this point my feet were starting to kill me, why didnt I wear my sandles?   we stopped infront of a door and walked inside once she unlocked it, flicking on the light and walked over to a wooden  desk,  
"this is your office, files are both on the computer and in the file cabnet under neith the desk, Dr. Schwarts's office is on the third floor so if you need anything, you will know where to find him, I'll be right back, Im sure this cutie must be hungry"  

I watched as the lady walked out, leaving me to look around the office,  what in the world did I just get myself into?........

(Got ch.1 done!!!! how do you like it so far?   im sorry if it seems short, but I didnt want to put what happens next in one chapter lol, )

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