Part 4

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Cara sees her disgusted face reflected back at her in the full-length mirror. The dress isn't terrible, she admits, and she can still fight easily. "Maybe stop acting all tough, just for once," she whispers out loud. "Maybe accept the fact that you enjoy looking nice."

You just want to look nice for him, a voice in her head says.

"What? No!" she exclaims, then catches sight of herself blushing in the mirror. "Dank farrik," she mutters with a sigh.

Greef managed to find an old ladyfriend, a certain Jebbie Hix, who was willing to help Cara get ready for the party. The lady was nice enough, but far too girly for Cara's liking. Still, Cara was thankful, because she could never have gotten ready herself.

She gives another look at herself in the mirror. The black dress is tight but not too tight, and Jebbie had given her high heels, too, as well as done her hair.

Cara glances out of the window of the dressing room and sees another beautiful sunset.

I can't believe it took all day just to get ready, she thinks. I never should have let Greef put me up to this.

You're enjoying it, aren't you? the stubborn voice in her head tells her.

"Shut up," she whispers.

Jebbie comes in and tells her it's time to go meet up with Greef and her "date", so Cara slips out the back way of the house and makes her way to the hall where the party is starting. She takes the back streets so less people will see her in a dress; though she might like it, she feels embarrassed.

She spots Mando and Greef standing just outside the hall. "Are you sure I have to wear this?" she grumbles, remembering she needs to still play the act of a tough warrior.

"We want to catch these criminals without a fuss. I've told you the plan already. Get them into the back alley where some of my bounty hunters will be to help out. It's almost time to go in," says Greef.

"You look...nice," Mando tells her.

Cara bites the inside of her cheek to stop from smiling, and hopes the dusk is dark enough to hide her blush. "I sure don't feel nice."

People and creatures of all kinds begin entering the hall.

"I'll see you two later. Good luck!" Greef calls as he begins to leave. He then tips his head to the side as he surveys them. "Take his arm, Cara. You have to look like a couple, for goodness' sake!"

Cara resists the urge to stick her tongue out at him, so she turns to Mando. "This is a terrible idea."

"As long as we're in agreement," he replies, then holds out his arm. "Shall we?"

"Sure," Cara says, and they make their way into the party.

The walls and ceiling of the huge room are entirely covered in twinkling gold lights, casting shadows on the few couples swaying to music on the dance floor. Everybody else is standing around, chatting.

"So, what, we just stay here until we see the smugglers?" murmurs Cara, trying to look like she's having a good time.

"I guess so," says Mando.

By and by, Cara finds herself wanting to be out with the other pairs, slow dancing to the catchy, mellow music.

"Have you ever danced before?" she asks Mando. He hesitates before shaking his head. "Well, we're supposed to blend in, aren't we?"

"Come on. Those security guys over there keep glancing at us, so we have to show them we really want to be here. Come on." She grabs his hand and pulls him to the dance floor.

"Cara, I don't think-"

"It's okay," she interrupts him. "We have to blend in."

Obviously, that isn't why she wants to dance with him. And as they hold each other, swaying back and forth to the music, Cara tries not to think about how this may be one of the last intimate moments she'll ever have with him.

Even if he doesn't share the same feelings for her- and she knows he doesn't- she wants to make a memory before he goes.

She feels a lump in her throat and tries not to think about him leaving. It's no use. To hide the tears welling up in her eyes, Cara leans forward slightly and presses her forehead against his helmet.

He doesn't know she wants to stay with him forever, dancing under the gold lights as the world of smugglers and mercenaries fade away. He doesn't know how empty she felt inside until they ran into each other for the first time on Sorgan. He doesn't know how many times Cara has called herself stupid because she was falling for a guy who never took off his helmet.

But even if he didn't know, even if the moment will end eventually, Cara is genuinely happy for the first time in a while. It's the first time she's spent time with Mando where she isn't getting tongue-tied or not knowing what to say, because there's no reason to say anything.

"I don't want to leave," Mando tells her.

Cara moves her head back to gaze into his visor. "What?"

"I would stay here on Nevarro if I could. It's not a bad place for the kid. People are getting desperate for bounty hunters. Nevarro's my home. I belong here with what's left of the Mandalorians. With you..." he says softly.

Cara swallows, knowing that he sees the tears in her eyes and trying to ignore it. Even in a perfect moment like this, I still get nervous around him, she thinks. "Then stay."

He doesn't answer. Cara looks down at the floor, seeing the other happy couples out of the corner of her eye, wanting him to break the silence. Go ahead, she wants to say. Tell me I'm an idiot for loving you. Tell me that after all those lost chances, I shouldn't have hope anymore.

"I can't," he whispers.

I know. "You could try. We could try."

He reaches out to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear, then shakes his head slowly.

"Don't," Cara says quietly.

"Don't what?"

"Don't tell me it- we- won't work. I'm not in the mood to be that girl who gets rejected at a party and runs away to cry," Cara says with a trembling lip.

He laughs softly, in such a way that Cara knows he doesn't mean it at all. "You don't have to stay here, either."

"But I can't run anymore. This is the only place they won't look for me. It's my only chance at a normal life."

"Then I guess we just have to forget."

"I won't."

"I know."

She shoots him a rueful smile before he pulls her close and she rests her chin on his shoulder. Cara, with a sudden burst of dumb confidence, then opens her mouth to say three words she never thought would escape her lips.

"I l-"

Her voice is cut off by a loud explosion, and the next thing she knows, she's lying in a pile of rubble, dusty air all around her, with somebody yelling her name.

Guys I'm sorry I know you're gonna hate me for this cliffhanger, but please spam comments because I love to read them <3

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