Chapter 7

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By the time Silverpaw woke up she saw that Squirrelpaw was gone. She had a whole day ahead of her and she didn't know how she could find Blackpaw.

She was about to enter the warrior's den to find Brackenclaw when she heard Flamestar calling her. She padded over to him. "At sunhigh I want you to go on a hunting patrol with Whitepelt, Thornheart, and Goldenpaw," he meowed. "We need more fresh-kill before leaf-bare comes."

"Okay Flamestar," she muttered. She whipped around and went to the tree stump and layer there, soaking up the leaf-fall sun. When she heard the morning patrol she got up and went into the apprentice's den. Goldenpaw was washing her paw and Shadowpaw was shaking moss from his pelt. She looked at Goldenpaw and mewed, "F-Flamestar wants us to go on patrol with Whitepelt and Thornheart."

"Doesn't surprise me," Goldenpaw snorted impatiently. "He always chooses you. Of course Graypelt's his deputy and you're Graypelt's daughter so, in a way, you have a special connection with him. I'll go; we need more fresh-kill before leaf-bare comes." Whitepelt and Thornheart were already waiting at the gorse tunnel and before she went to join them she spotted Brownpaw and trotted over to him.

"Have you seen Squirrelpaw?" She asked. Brownpaw shook his head. She went back to the patrol and headed into the forest.

They bounded through the forest and in almost seconds Silverpaw saw a squirrel collecting nuts. She dropped into a hunting crouch and lightly padded toward it, putting all her weight into her haunches. She lunged forward and finished it off. She buried it next to to the tree so she could get it later.

They got closer and closer to Sunnystones and had caught two wood mice, a vole, a thrush, and a magpie. Whitepelt and Thornheart heard a vole and a rabbit so Goldenpaw and Silverpaw went ahead. As they approached Sunnystones they heard the sound of cats fighting! Silverpaw ran ahead and saw a flash of dark ginger fur, then a flash of black fur. Just like in my dream! She thought. I wonder what it means. She went more toward Sunnystones to get a better view of what was going on and she stood horror struck when she saw Squirrelpaw and Blackpaw dropped in a crouch.

Squirrelpaw had scratches on his flanks and above his eye dripping with blood that was drying up. Blackpaw had scratches on his flank, tail, and ears. Anger filled her with what was happening, Goldenpaw standing next to her. "You get Blackpaw. I'll get Squirrelpaw," Silverpaw hissed. They leaped into the clearing and Silverpaw bowled into Squirrelpaw, pinning him down. "What do you think you're doing?" Silverpaw hissed. "D'you know what might happen if you come back to camp with scratches?"

"What are you doing here is the question," Squirrelpaw meowed sharply. Silverpaw got up and sat down in front of Squirrelpaw.

She gave her chest a brisk lick. "I'm on a hunting patrol. So what's your explanation?"

"Well," Squirrelpaw meowed tartly, half embarrassed. "Remember when I promised it to tell Flamestar about Blackpaw?"

"Yes," Silverpaw meowed, still angry.

"I've been thinking about it lately and thought I could handle it myself. So I came here thinking he'd show up looking for you."

"Mouse-brain!" Goldenpaw meowed as she approached. "Blackpaw went back to his territory." Silverpaw nodded.

What did my dream at High Boulders mean if it really happened? I know Flamestar has those kind of dreams, maybe I should talk to him or Cinderfur. No. It would be too dangerous for many reasons. I should talk to Cinderfur.

"Great NightClan!" Thornheart yowled, dashing toward the three cats, interrupting Silverpaw's thoughts. "What happened?" Squirrelpaw shook his head.

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