Chapter 8

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The very same day as the battle, after Silverpaw took care of the elders, she grabbed a squirrel from the fresh-kill pile and went to the apprentice's tree stump where Squirrelpaw and Goldenpaw were. Goldenpaw was staring blankly at her half-eaten prey. When she noticed Silverpaw she went into the apprentice's den. "That was a great battle Silverpaw!" Squirrelpaw meowed.

"Thanks," Silverpaw replied bitterly and tore into her squirrel.

Squirrelpaw licked her neck fur. "You're upset about something aren't you?" He meowed.

"It... it's about battling with WaterClan and Blackpaw. But I don't know why," Silverpaw responded. She took more bites of her squirrel before it was gone. She got up from her comforting licks and pushed her way started to push her way through the den when she heard Flamestar call her.

"I've thought about it," he meowed. "And I think you're ready to be off your punishment."

"Really Flamestar?!" She exclaimed. "Thank you!" She licked his shoulder and slipped into the apprentices den to her nest and curled up.

After a few minutes, she sensed Squirrelpaw had entered and sleep hadn't overcome her. She found it easier to relax with Squirrelpaw right next to her, and for the first time she realized how grateful and luck she was for all her friends in ElectricClan until sleep finally overcame her.

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The next morning Silverpaw felt someone prod her in the side. "Wake up Silverpaw! Flamestar called a Clan meeting." Silverpaw sat up immediately and gave herself a quick grooming before following out of the den, shaking the last bits of moss from her fur.

She settled down next to Squirrelpaw with Graypelt on her other side and Brackenclaw behind her. "Do you know what this is about?" She asked Squirrelpaw. He shook his head. Once everyone settled down Silverpaw neatly wrapped her tail around her paws.

"I've been thinking about yesterday's fight," Flamestar began. "And I've decided that two of the apprentices that were there should be made warriors." Silverpaw's jaw dropped open. Flamestar nodded to Silverpaw and Squirrelpaw and they shakily walked over to the Bigstone where Flamestar was together. "These two cats fought well in yesterday's battle and I have decided that the time has come for you two to take your place as warriors in ElectricClan."

  Silverpaw looked at her leader with respectfully gazing eyes as he spoke the ritual words. "I, Flamestar, leader of ElectricClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these two apprentice's. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as warriors in their turn." First he turned to Squirrelpaw. "Squirrelpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend this Clan, even at the cost of your life?" 

Squirrelpaw looked at his father. "I do." He meowed.

"Then by the powers of NightClan, I give you your warrior name," Flamestar went on, "Squirrelpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Squirrelfur. NightClan honors your encouragement and wisdom, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ElectricClan." He padded over to Squirrelfur and rested his muzzle on the dark ginger warriors head. Squirrelfur gave his shoulder a respectful lick, then went to stand beside his mother, Sandtail.

The cats chanted and greeted the new warrior. "Squirrelfur! Squirrelfur! Squirrelfur!"

Flamestar turned to Silverpaw when the noise died down. "Silverpaw," Flamestar meowed. "Do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend this Clan even at the cost of your life?" Silverpaw looked at him, her blue eyes blazed into his green eyes.

 "I do." She meowed firmly.

"Then by the powers of NightClan, I give you your warrior name," Flamestar meowed. "Silverpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Silverwind. NightClan honors your bravery and strength, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ElectricClan." He padded over to Silverwind and rested his muzzle on her head. She gave his shoulder a respectful lick, then went over to join Squirrelfur.

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