Chapter 15- The Bet

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Spencer couldn't keep the smile off his face as he looked up from his work and saw Luke walking in from the elevator.

"Spencer." Luke greeted with a similar smile.

"Luke." He replied, his smile growing more and more if possible as Luke sat at his desk.

The night before was spent sleeping in each other's arms and talking each other to sleep, and Spencer was beyond happy that he had the guts to ask if he could kiss him. If Luke hadn't said those things to him, he wouldn't have had the confidence to do so.

He went back to looking at his work, but as he felt Tara's eyes on him, he looked up at her.She quirked an eyebrow up and glanced at Luke, then back at Spencer.

He gave her a nod, and she smiled, mouthing, "Nice."

Suddenly his phone buzzed with a notification, and as he took it out of his pocket, he saw it was Luke with the message, "Can't wait for our date."

Before he could text back, he heard Penelope's voice right behind him. "Wonderboy's going on a date? With who?"

He spun around in his seat, turning off his phone in the process, so she wouldn't see who had texted him. They hadn't talked about whether they wanted the team to know, so he stayed silent with his mouth hanging agape, thinking of what to say.

To his relief, Luke came in to save him. "Hey, Garcia, didn't you say that you had a new kitten? What was her name again?"

She immediately perked up at that."Oh, my ginger baby bundle of joy. Her name is pumpkin. Let me show you a picture." She couldn't find her phone as she searched her jacket pocket. "Darn, it, I left my phone in my cave. Let me go get it." She walked over to her office, muttering to herself about how she'd forgotten her phone and how she'd never done it before.

Spencer sighed in relief. "Thank you. I didn't know if you wanted the team to know about us."

"I actually had in mind that we let them figure out on their own. Not that I'm not ok with the team knowing. I am, but it'd be fun to see this play out."

A smile spread across his face as he raised his eyebrows. "I like the way you think, Alvez," and the way he said 'Alvez' made Luke want to kiss him. He would've if he hadn't moved to pick up his mug from his desk.

"Do you want any coffee?" He asked him.

Luke hummed and said, "I could go for a macchiato."

Spencer grimaced. "They only serve brown sludge around here, sorry."

He shrugged. "Brown sludge isn't so bad if I get to drink it with you."

Spencer blushed, and he found that his face was hurting from smiling so much.

This was too good to be true, what one would call the honeymoon phase of their relationship, but he didn't mind it.

Luke smiled back at him. "I like when I make you smile." and if it weren't for the setting they were in, Spencer would've kissed him right then and there. He closed his eyes, fighting the urge to lean in and kiss him until both their lips were numb.

He bit his lip and opened his eyes, saying, "Let's get some coffee."

They went to the kitchen, and as Luke got his mug out of the cabinet, Tara appeared beside them.

"Alvez, you better treat him right." She said.

"Wow. Shovel talk already?" Luke joked.

Tara laughed. "Tell me, was it yesterday? I saw you two when we were playing poker, but I didn't know if it was your usual oblivious selves flirting or if it was something else."

"Something else," Luke said.

Tara smiled at them and nodded. "I am so happy for you guys. When did you break up with Lisa? How did she react? I want to know how it went down. I'm sorry, but she was the worst."

When she saw them raise their eyebrows in amusement, she said, "What? I like to gossip."

That was when Rossi went over to them. "Careful now. You know how Penelope gets when we say the g-word." He chuckled. "I'm really happy for you guys."

"You know about us?" Luke asked.

"Hate to break it to you, kid, but you're not exactly vague about it all, what with all the smiles and the glances. You're not fooling anyone."

"I thought we were hiding it pretty well," Luke said.

Rossi looked at him unconvinced. "Last night at your door. Last night at poker. Just a few minutes ago in the bullpen. And I saw your swollen lips yesterday. Don't think I didn't see it."

Spencer looked down in embarrassment, and Luke just laughed.

"Now, tell me, who made the first move?" Rossi asked, and as they raised their eyebrows at him, he said, "What? I like to gossip too."

Luke smiled and nudged Spencer with his elbow. "Spencer did. He asked if he could kiss me."

"True gentleman." Tara grinned and then looked at Rossi. "Pay up, old man."

"Well, actually Luke did," Spencer said, recalling the night before.

"I just told you all the reasons why someone would like you. I wasn't actually going to ask you out, though. I didn't think you liked me like that."

"Yeah, but you still made a move. I only asked to kiss you because I gained confidence by your words."

"Oh, just take this as your win. I would've chickened out if you hadn't asked if you could kiss me."

Tara turned to Rossi."Come on, pasta man. You know you want to. You've already got stacks at home. Help a girl out."

"Well, now I'm not going to. Pasta man?" He scoffed at the nickname.

"You guys were betting on us?" Spencer asked.

"Of course we did. I had faith you could do it, Spence." Tara told him and as she turned to Rossi, she said, "He didn't"

"Of course I had faith in you." He said to Reid. "I just had more faith in Luke. No offense, kid."

Spencer made his usual frog face and said, "None taken."

"Are you telling anybody else?" Rossi asked them.

"Technically, we didn't tell you guys. You just figured it out."

"True." Tara nodded. "So, you gonna let the others figure it out?"

Luke nodded. "That's the plan."

"Matt will be last to figure it out," Rossi said.

Tara agreed with him and then said, "Ooh, if Pen finds out, you will be the first to know. That girl cannot keep her secrets."

Luke chuckled. "I think Emily and JJ will be the next to figure it out. Or they already know. Who knows?"

"They definitely knew we liked each other. What's the saying? The gays always know." Spencer said.

"Wait, what?" Tara asked.

"They're in a relationship, didn't you guys know?"

"I did," Rossi said. "I'm a good detective."

"I must've been so focused on you guys that I wasn't paying any attention to them."

"They're keeping it a secret, so don't tell them we told you," Luke said. "They don't even know we know."

"I bet my money on Matt figuring it out last," Tara said.

"Oh, we're betting?" He asked.

"Oh, of course, we are," Tara said as if that was obvious.

Luke chuckled and said, "Ok, game on then."

Suddenly Matt came out of nowhere, stepping into the conversation.

"What are you guys betting on?" He asked, but before Luke could say anything, Tara spoke up, lying easily, "We're betting on which of us can finish our work faster. The winner gets a dollar from each of us."

"Sounds good. I'm in." Matt said, and as he walked towards his desk to get some work done, Luke turned to Tara. "That was a lame fake bet."

"It's not like I had that excuse ready to use."

"You just want to win this bet, don't you?" Luke asked.

Tara smirked. "Of course I do. Ten dollars on Emily and JJ figuring it out next, Penelope spilling the beans when she figures it out, and Matt figuring it out last. Ten dollars each, and if I get one wrong, you still have to pay me ten dollars for each guess I got right."

"Matt has been my best friend for years, and if anybody knows him, it's me," Luke replied. "You'll be paying me ten dollars when he figures it out next."

"Maybe you don't know him well enough. See, you're thinking as his friend, not as a profiler." She said. "Think about that," and with that, she walked off to her desk to get some work done.

"I knew you were special from the moment we met. How I'm looking forward to all of our tomorrows."
-Robin Raven

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