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"We are gathered here today to witness the joining of these two epic couples in official matrimony. Massimo and Valero have found the woman of their dreams who they've longed for all their life. But before we've began if anyone has any objections to this union please, speak now or forever hold your peace." A very long silence happen. Before the priest asked again, "anyone?" There was a long silence again until someone got up from the seat and walked right outside.
Who could that be?
"Very well, let's continue. Do you Massimo take this lovely woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The priest asked.
Looking into my eyes, "I do." He said happily, there's a simile on his face. His eyes shined with happiness, he looked me as if I was the only girl in the room when he said I do.
He went to the other side where Valero and Trixie are at. "Do you Valero take this lovely woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The priest asked, I looked behind Massimo and saw Trixie who had a huge smile on her face. "I do." Valero said happily, I smiled for them.
The priest came back to me and Massimo. "And do you Marzila, take this man to be your wedded husband to have and to hold in sickness and i. health till death do you part?" The priest continued on, I looked around the church, as I saw Trixie and Valero who are next to us, she nodded. "I do." I looked back at into Massimo eyes. He is so happy that I'm going to be stuck with him until this war passes. I'm thinking of giving him a chance but that chance is going to have to wait.
Back to Valero and Trixie. "Do you Trixie, take this man to be your wedded husband to have and to hold in sickness and in health till do you part?" She looked back at me, I nodded. "I do." She happily, maybe a little to loud.
"I believe the brides and grooms have chosen to write their own vows."
"Massimo. I take you to be my partner in life, and my one true love. I will cherish our friendship. I will always love you tomorrow, next week, heck I'll love you forever. Because we are always going to be Forever Bounded no matter what we go through. We'll always have each other. I will trust you, I will honour you. Laugh with you and I will cry with you. I will love you faithfully through the best and the worst. I will love you through the difficult and the easy. Whatever comes our way, I'll be there right there next to you. As I have given you my hand to hold, so I do give you my life to keep. I take you to be my husband, to hold, cherish, and to love. I will do anything for you. Anything, You before me Massimo, I mean it Stronzo." I want to go on, but that's enough. Family and Friends were laughing at what I said at the end. This was something I wrote when we were younger. I imbalance my feelings at this moment.