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Trixie just had her baby, I watched her have that baby. I was there when she had her baby. The way she was holding my hand, still I watched her give birth to her baby. Trixie had a fucking girl, as I guessed it right. She had a fucking girl on Feberery 27. At elven fucking forty-five. She was supposed to give birth a week and a half ago. Her baby was just as stubborn as mine. Didn't wanna leave the womb.
I've been in America since Saturday. When Trixie date was past due we still stayed. We waited, during that period time Trixie practiced all she could on Malsańdez. She was in labor since eight pm. I was fucking happy, my best friend had Serfinah Zliah Carrington. I didn't think she actually named her baby girl that. Either way she came out looking all like Trixie. All she had was her father's hair. It seems as if these Bernardi gense aren't as strong.
Our kids are thirteen days apart, I didn't have a natural birth. Trixie did, Valero wanted to be here so badly to be here with her, she didn't want him here. I cut her ablicord. It was weird, cutting it felt weird. This is just making me want to see my baby boy.
Malsańez Elío Bernardi.
Serofinah Zliah Carrington.
We're moms to the most adorable little things, Trixie to a girl, me to a boy. Life is getting changeling as time goes. Right now I'm in the room with my best friend, Valero is in the room carrying his kid. Massimo is carrying Malsańdez, he doesn't want to be in my arms right now. If Valero wasn't so fucking stupid he would've been here when she gave brith, did the things I did. Instead, he wanted to fuck around. Violet wasn't even the last girl he hung out with, Kisnina, another girl he was with just this morning. I wanna know what goes this his fucking head? He's not good at even hiding shit from me, even his brother.
The doctor came in, telling Trixie she won't go home for the next three days. I know the feeling. I'm awed by how Valero and Trixie are with their daughter. "Amoré, are you listening?" Massimo asked, I snapped myself into reality. I had a pacifier in my hand, I shook my head, "remind me again?" I gave him all my attention. I saw a little smirk, he looked in the direction I was.
Translation: Love
"If my brother wasn't so fucking stupid, he would've done the shit he was supposed to. I wanna beat his ass, father won't let me." I bit the inside of my cheek, I looked over at them. That's what I'm saying. They both had a smile on their face, Valero snapped a picture. "Even so, maybe later on he'll change. All we need is for him to spend more and more time with Trixie and Sofinah." I remarked, taking my eyes off them. I looked at my son who was fast asleep, such a tiny thing hurt so damn much.