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1. A name

2. Harry's sister

Song for the chapter:
If Everyone Cared - Nickelback

Harry just sat at the kitchen table with a blank and distant look in his puffy red eyes.

I made him tea but he has just clutched the mug instead of drinking it, which is normal under the circumstances.

"She didn't do anything wrong." He whispers

I put my hand over his, "I know."

He shakes his head, "It's my fault, I pissed off some dangerous druggie and he threatened her but I thought he was bluffing."

"It's not your fault Harry, you can't blame yourself." I comfort him

"Who else is there to blame Harley? The druggie? God? Rogue? Who? Who the fuck can I blame for this Harley because the only person I can think of is myself." His voice raises, he jerks back his shaking hands

"Harry, I spent almost two years blaming myself for what happened to Tony and all I got from it was a trip to rehab."

Harry looks at me with understanding, "She's gone." He whispers

I stay quiet, there's nothing to say in this situation.

Louis walks in, his eyes full of fear, "Uh Harley..."

I nod, urging him to continue.

"Isabella is... Here." He says quietly just as Isabella walks into the room with a 'what the hell?!' Expression on her features.

I bolt up in my seat, hiding the intense pain that the sudden movement caused.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I ask through gritted teeth

"What the fuck are you doing still doing breathing?" She spits back

"What the absolute fuck is wrong with you!? You tried to kill me! Your goddamn sister!" I yell

She rolls her eyes, "Because if I didn't someone else would... only in a more brutal way."

"That makes no fucking sense Isabella!" I scold

She sighs, "Listen, I owed some money to some... people and they threatened to torture you to death since I couldn't pay them back."

I scoff, "So instead of asking for money or warning me you just decided to kill me yourself!?"

"Well...yeah." She shrugs

"You're fucking insane!" I screech

She laughs, "And you're not?"

"Not enough to try and kill my fucking sister!" I point out

She rolls her eyes as if I'm the one who tried to kill their own blood, "Whatever Harley."

I literally laugh, "Fuck you. Get the hell out."

"No." She counters

I look at Louis, he nods before grabbing her thin arm and dragging her out of the house.

I sit back down by Harry with a loud sigh, "I hate her."

"At least your sister's alive enough to hate." Harry says before standing up and walking out of the kitchen

I immediately feel guilty, I do hate Isabella and I'll probably never speak to her again but Harry lost his only sister. One that you can tell he loved more than anything.

"Damnit." I groan, putting my head in my hands

Short chapter I know, but the next one will be LONG

read on my g-landers
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