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1. Stress reliever

2. Art

3. Beauty

Song for the chapter:

I'm not a vampire - Falling In Reverse

Zayn, Niall, and Keiren have all of their stuff moved in and now all of the boys are sitting in the living room as I am lying on the kitchen counter... the couch was full don't judge me.

"Harley! Can you make me dinner please?" Niall yells

"I'll order you dinner!" I yell back

"Pizza?" He asks

"Pizza." I respond

I dial the pizza guys' number and order three large pizzas.

"I wanted chicken!" Keiren whines

"Sucks to be you!" Niall teases

Keiren groans, "I'll order my own."

"Good because you weren't getting any of my pizza." Niall says in a I'm-better-than-you-Keiren kind of tone

"Actually, I am in more of a pizza mood." Keiren counters

"I bet I will eat more than you." Niall smirks a devilish smirk

"Okay, if I eat more than you then you get the kitchen table and I get the couch." Keiren bets

"And if I win you," Niall pauses in thought, "Have to let Harley dress you up in her clothes and you have to walk around town for ten minutes."

"You're on Horan." Keiren says with a smirk

The two childish boys shake on their bet. This is going to be interesting.

I soon grow bored with the boys' talk of the latest football game so I go back into Louis and I's bedroom, which he has somehow made soundproof, and turn my music speaker up as high as it will go. My body relaxes with every lyric of 'Good Girls Bad Guys' by Falling In Reverse. I take out my paints and a blank white canvas, putting them both on the stand.

I let my hand travel in patterns and twists, the simple paint turns into a soon to be complex piece of art. All of my emotions pour out onto the canvas that has become black and grey. I'm interuppted by Louis walking through the door, shutting it behind him.

"Pizza's here love."

I nod, "I'll be in in a bit."

"Did you paint this?" Louis asks as he studies the half done art work

"Well I am the one with the brush in my hand." I laugh

Louis smiles, wrapping his arms around my waist. The only thing that keeps our chests from touching is my paint tray and brush.

"You never fail to impress me Miss.Jackson." Louis whispers, planting a sweet kiss on my lips

"I am utterly infatuated with you." I breath, almost face palming when I realize I said that out loud

Relief hits me as Louis almost blushes at my statment.

"You want some pizza?" He asks

I nod before looking at my painting and then back to him.

I set down my brush and tray before following Louis into the living room, hand in hand.

Niall and Keiren are already stuffing their faces, Harry and Zayn are too but at a slower pace.

"I saved you a piece incase they ate all of them." Louis laughs, handing me a plate with a single slice of pizza on it. He then grabs his own and starts to eat.


After we all eat Niall and Keiren bicker about who ate more while everyone else sat on the couch.

I almost scream in surprise as Louis' phone rings, "Yeah?" He says
"What the fuck do you mean?" He asks through gritted teeth
"We'll be there soon. Don't do anything to them you fucking dick."

With that he hangs up the phone, turns off the telly, and stands on the coffee table.

"Boys!" He yells

Everyone in the room looks at him with great intent.

"English Killers has the girls hostage." Louis explains

Niall is immediately to his feet, "Rose?" He asks

You can see the hurt in his eyes. From what Louis has said, Niall has always been protective over Rosalie.

Louis nods his head in disappointment, "Rose, Brylee, Dani, and Violet."

"Why Violet? She's not even in Rogue." Harry points out

"She's always with us, they probably thought that she'd know some shit. Which she does." Louis sighs

"Why didn't they take Harley?" Keiren asks

"She's been in the apartment with the five most lethal members of Rogue, they've probably been waiting for her to go outside." Louis explains

"Are we going to get them?" I pipe

All of the boys look to me, "You are not going anywhere." Louis says sternly

"Why the fuck not? I know a lot more about the English Killer house considering I was held captive there for three days. In which I escaped on my own." I reason

"Harley. You will stay with Doc-" Louis begins

"Wait Lou," Harry interjects, "Harley has a point. She knows how to get out and where Leo would have the girls."

The rest of the boys agree with Harry.

"I don't know-"

"Oh come on Louis. I can take care of myself." I eye roll

"Fine. You can go with us. But you will stay by me the whole time." Louis sighs

"Okay." I agree

Louis claps his hands together, "Okay lads- and Harley- time to kick some ass." With a smirk he jumps down from the table and we all start to make a plan.

New chapter soon!

Read on my g-landers (:
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