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1. Best Fucking Friend

Songs for the chapter:
Jet pack blues - fall out blues
Caught like a fly - falling in reverse
Novocain - Green Day

After Harry loaned me a hoodie and a girl's pair of black skinny jeans that he had in his drunk we start to drive to his flat.

And yes, I did change in the car.

"Why'd you pull out a fucking knife?" Harry sighs

I cross my arms, "I don't know. Maybe because he called me a whore!"

"That's no reason to pull a knife on someone!"

I roll my eyes, "I know. It was stupid but he was being such a dick!"

"I know." Harry groans

"Where are we going?" I ask

"My flat."

"I thought you went to DSU."

"Dropped out."


"Well it's not like I'll ever get the chance at a normal life. I'm in a fucking gang." He laughs


I just stopped showing up, the chancellor wouldn't let me back in after the eighteen day fight with Louis.

"Let's do something fun." I say

"Like what?"

"Well there's a club on 23rd street..."

"No." Harry says simply

"Please Harry!" I plead

"It's already nine o'clock."

"Exactly! Perfect drinking time!" I exclaim

"Fine." Harry groans as he makes a turn to 23rd street

"Yes!" I smile as we pull into the club

Harry and I walk up to the entrance, I go to stand in line but Harry grabs my hand and leads me to the bouncer.

"Charlie." Harry greets

"Harry." The bouncer nods, lifting the rope so we can walk in.

The hype of the club radiates from every dancing body. This is fucking great.

"Aren't you excited!?" I yell to Harry over the music

HARRY POV (why not)

I just smile and nod. I'm actually terrified. If there's one thing I know about Harley is when she's drunk, she gets a bit insane.

I down a couple of shots, I have a lot of shit to forget.

I gulp as I see her dancing, she's so fucking sexy.

Oh lord help me. Don't let me do something I'll regret.


While Harry was zoned out I downed two-or was it three?-yeah it was three- shots of vodka.

My senses are a bit hazy but it's nothing I can't handle.

"Hello gorgeous." I hear a low voice growl from behind me

I can tell the voice isn't Harry, but I start to grind onto the man anyway. My arm wraps around his neck, his hands grip my thighs, and my bum grinds into his croch.

"What are you drinking for?" He asks from behind me

I hum, "The alcohol makes the feelings go away."

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