Chapter Twelve

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Perrie's P.O.V

It's a week till Christmas and Ron, Hermione and Harry just got on the train to go home for break. While I stay hear at Hogwarts with my boyfriend Draco. But It's not like its unwillingly; I chose to be hear and I don't regret my decision. But anyways; I sat in the Slythrin common room with Draco talking about Christmas. "What do you want for Chritsmas?" He asked me. 

"You don't have to get me anything."

"Oh but I do. So what do you want?"

I shrugged. "I don't know."

"Your confusing sometimes Perrie." 

"Yes I know."  I said with a smirk planted on my face. "But on a better note what do you want? I'm not gonna let you get me something and me not get you anything." 

"Anything will do love. I don't care to be honest."

I begun to laugh. "What's so funny?" He asked me. He's kidding right? 

"You asked me the same thing and I gave you the same answer and then you called me confusing to give the same answer back. I love you Draco dear but you make no since."

He smirked. "I never said I made since. If I told you I made since I wouldn't just be lying to you but as well to myself.". I laughed. "Very true. So are we going to Hogsmade tomorrow to get this stuff?"

"Where else would we go? I don't think we can make a stop to London love." He said with a playful grin; I hit him softly in a playful manner. "I guess your right Dray." I grinned at the nickname I have given him. "Hogsmade it is."

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