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Perrie's P.O.V

"Would you rather eat a bug or kiss Flinch?" Draco asked Ginny as he took a drink of water; while we ('We' being me, him, Ginny and Daphne.) continued our game of 'Would You Rather.'

Ginny leaned against the seat above her in the bleachers at the Quidditch Pitch. "Eat a bug." She said like it was nothing. He shrugged "Fair enough.".  

Ginny looked to me "Perrie, would you rather be the daughter of Snape or granddaughter of Dumbledore?"

"That's a hard one there both my favorite teachers, but I have to say Snape. He seems like a good father figure." 

Ginny nodded and smiled. I looked to Daphne thinking of a good question; smirking I thought of the perfect thing to ask. "If you had to right now would you rather kiss Draco or Ron?".

Ginny and Draco begun to laugh and Daphne sat there looking scared. "Pick your choice wisely Daphne." I said raising an eyebrow. She groaned "I pick Ron, I'm got gonna get murdered by you." I laugh along with Draco and Ginny. "Fair enough. I wouldn't be the happiest person." "No duh!" 

I rolled my eyes and lied on the ground, putting my head in Draco's lap. "I'm done playing.". Draco just chuckled and played with my hair. "Lets get going back then." Ginny stated. "Yeah lets go." Daphne said helping Ginny up. Me and Draco got up and us four walked back to the Castle. Once we did Ginny and Daphne went to the library to return a book quickly. Me and Draco entered the common room seeing it was almost 9 o'clock. "Hey Dray I'm gonna go catch a quick shower." He nodded and kissed me, giving me a quick hug before whispering 'tonight' in my ear. I nodded and went upstairs to take a shower before an unforgettable night.

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