3. good ole muggle baseball.

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It was now summer break. It had only been a week since the George and Fred incident but it felt like yesterday. "Where's Fred and George?"

The two twins came down the stairs in matching baseball uniforms. Fred's marked with an F and the numbers "00." George's marked with a G and the numbers "01."  We all turned and looked and the twins confused.

"Didn't dad tell you? We are all playing a muggle game. He bought us all uniforms and the equipment." Fred said. Ginny, Hermione, and I all looked at each other and quickly ran upstairs to the bedroom. We walked in to see our uniforms and caps layed out on the beds. "I don't think i'm going to participate in this game." Hermione shrugged.

"Oi! I get you guys are girls but come on we are playing a game it doesn't take that long to get ready!" Ron shouted. We all walked downstairs. "Honestly Ronald." Hermione said while giving him a look. We grabbed our a equipment and headed outside to play.

"So how do you play?" I asked. "Okay so first we need to split into 2 teams. George and I will be captains. I'll take Harry and Y/n." Fred said. George shot a glare at him. "I guess i'll take Ginny and Ron." George hushed. "Dads the catcher for our team and mum's the catcher for yours. Fred said.

Fred then continued to explain how to play the game. "Got it?" He asked. "Got it." We all agreed. "Alright then. You guys bat first."
George ran up behind me with his equipment in his hands. "May the best man or woman win." He said with a smirk. He winked and walked back to his team.

"You're on, Weasley!"

Ginny stepped up the plate and swung her bat around twice. I squinted my eyes and pitch a curve ball at the ginger girl. She swung, and she missed.

After she striked out, Ron stepped up to the plate and made a competitive face at me. I pitched, he hit. He took off running at the old towel being used as first base but right before he hit it i got the ball and threw it to Fred, who was standing at first base.

"You're out!" Mr.Weasley shouted at Ron. "Switch!"  George clenched his jaw out of frustration. I got butterflies watching him be angry. George has always been the nicer one out of him and Fred. But when George got mad or upset he was scarier.

Fred stepped up to the plate and Ginny whispered under her breath, "You're going down, Fred." She pitched the speeding baseball. *Smack!*

The ball went flying into the air. Fred took off running. He hit first, then second, third, and then he made it home. I ran up to Fred and gave him a hug while i cheered him on. "Great hit Freddie!" I pulled away from him but my arms were still wrapped around his.

I stared deep into his hazel eyes. His chest falling, his messy hair, his toned arms, made me want to just pull him into a kiss. But then the moment got ruined.

George cleared his throat. "Can we just get back to the game." He said irritated. "Oh don't be upset George. It's just some good ole muggle baseball." Fred said while rolling his eyes.

The game continued for about 2 hours after that. The score being tied '19-19.' That was until George scored a home run.

"Let's go Georgie!" Ginny shouted across the field. Our team went up to George's and congratulated them on their win. Well execpt Fred. I ran back to where we were sitting at and saw Fred packing up all the equipment. "You okay, Freddie?" I ask. "Yeah." He reply's.

"That was one wild game, wasn't it?" I ask while going to sit beside him. He turns over to me. "Honestly, I think it was a bit unfair."
I knew something was upsetting him.

I shrug. "Why's that?" "I could hear Ginny whisper spells under her breath. The speed ones and the winning ones." He looked upset. "Well Fred the games over now. I know you're very competitive. But Ginny is more competitive and she will do anything to win. She's also still a teenager so just let her do her thing for now."

Fred scooted closer to me. "You know, I'm sorry about that prank the other day. Where George took your clothes."  I didn't want to forgive him because he had made George kiss me. I felt kind of played because I know George doesn't like me. It was just for the prank. "It's okay. I just wish you wouldn't have told him to kiss me for it."

Freds expression changed completely. "H-He kissed you?" He choked up while saying. He sounded like he was trying not to cry. "Freddie? Are you okay?" He stood up and walked very angrily over to George.

George turned around quickly once he heard someone walking fast towards him. "Woah mate! Whats going on?" George asked confused. Fred punched him right across the face. "Why the fuck did you kiss Y/n!? That wasn't part of the prank you arse!" Fred yelled. "Fred i'm so-" "Sorry isn't going to work! You know how i feel about her."

Fred quickly turned around and looked at me, realizing what he had just said. He looked back at George, Then started walking back to the burrow. I ran up to him and grabbed his arm. "What the hell Fred. What do you mean feel about me?"

He smacked his arm out of my hand. "Did you kiss him back?" I didn't answer. "Did you fucking kiss him back! Answer me!" He yelled at me. "Y-Yes." I started tearing up. I couldn't stand being yelled at. I was abused by my muggle father growing up because i was a witch. Im not sensitive or anything but yelling triggered me.

"Don't you ever, yell at me again Fred Weasley." I ran inside the burrow. Fred followed.


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