7. birthday sex.

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Draco tried to stand up. George slammed him back down. "Wanna try that again?" George smirked. He got off of him and let Draco stand up. "Let's go Blaise. Pansy." They walked off aggravated.

George ran over to me. "Y/n? Are you alright?" He pulled me into a tight hug. I looked behind him to see that Fred still had the mean look in his eyes. "You okay?" I mouthed. He shook his head no and walked back into the casino.

"One moment Georgie." I followed Fred. "Hey, What's wrong Fred?" He turned to me and frowned. "I hate Draco. I want that ferret dead." "I know. I'm okay though. We should take the portkey back to the burrow." He nodded. "I'm sorry that this happened to you on your birthday though Y/n. You don't deserve this."

Before we took the portkey, We used a sobering spell on all of us.

When we all got home, Mrs. Weasley pulled me in for a huge hug. "How was your birthday, Darling? Did you all have fun?" I looked at George and Fred with wide eyes. They nodded 'No.' with huge eyes. "It went great, we had tons of fun." I smiled warmly.
"Well i'm glad dear. We have a surprise for you now."

Hermione and Ginny came around the corner while holding a birthday cake. Ron and Harry were walking behind them. "Happy Birthday to you.." The group and The Weasleys started singing. In this moment, I had forgotten about everything else happening. This was my family. And i was beyond grateful.

"..Happy Birthday to you!" They all cheered. "Thank you all so much. This means a ton to me." I never got to celebrate my birthdays growing up. "We come on! Let's eat some cake!" We all laughed as Ron shouted.

I was sitting and listening to the groups chatter and laughter when i heard someone whispering to me. *PSST* "Y/n." I turned to see George peaking around the corner. He waved at me to come to him. I stood up out of chair and made sure no one saw me sneak away.

"What is i-" "SHHH" George hushed me. I giggled. "I got you something." He pulled out a small dark green velvet box. He opened it and i saw a beautiful green stone necklace.


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"Erm.. I know you really like crystals so i got you this necklace. It's made from the crystal Aventurine. It helps you look on the bright side during tough times." I frowned in awe. "I love it. So much. Thank you Georgie." He pulled it out of the box and i turned around so he could put it on me. "Don't let Fred know. He will be upset because my gift is better then his." We both chuckled and returned to the table.

As the night continued, Mrs. Weasley went off to bed with Mr.Weasley, So we decided to play a game. We all sat in a circle on the floor and got ready to play a game of 'Would You Rather' with a twist. If you refused to answer then you take a shot of FireWhiskey.

"Fred you ask someone first." Fred's looked around the room. "Hmm.. Harry!" Harry's eyes shot up. "Would you rather... Have to use the Crucio curse on Ron or Hermione?" Hermione gave Harry a death stare. "Erm.. Ron i guess" Ron smacked him. "What the hell Harry?!" He frowned. Hermione had a smug look on her face. "Sorry.." Harry apologized.

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