9. angelina.

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It had been about a week that i spent at the lovegoods. Luna and her father had treated me so kindly— I kind of liked living off the edge for a little bit. The fresh air was nice and the sunsets were beautiful. Luna offered her bed to me but i just felt rude so i told her that sleeping on the couch was just fine. Mr.Lovegood woke up extra early each morning to make Luna and I breakfast. It was so lovely staying with them but i had to get home to the Weasleys eventually.

"I'm going to miss you, Y/n." The blonde girl spoke softly. Luna and I used to be very close from Year 5 to Year 7, But after the war we just drifted apart. So getting to spend this time with her was great.— "I'm going to miss you too, Luna."

I disapparated back to The Weasleys. When i appeared in their fireplace I saw them all sitting in the living room chatting.--- Their heads turned to me and they all jumped up with excitement and started greeting me. "Y/n! We've missed you so much." Hermione exclaimed, pulling me into a hug. As everyone was hugging me,--- I look over Hermiones shoulder to see the twins still sitting on the couch.

After a little while of hugs and laughs, I decided it was time to talk to the twins.
I sat next to them on the couch and i saw Ginny staring in the corner of my eye. "Hey.. could we talk?" I saw the pain in George's face.--- I felt awful for hurting him. "Yeah of cour-" Fred got cut off by George. "I have an announcement to make!" --- Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at George. "Angelina and I got back together—and i proposed."

"Bloody hell." Ron said. "Ouch!" Hermione elbowed him. ---"Do you really think this is the best idea George? You know how she treats you." Ginny spoke aggressively. "You don't know anything Ginny." --- Fred stood up angered. "Oí chill out mate." Even though I had hurt George badly and I deserved to hear that, it still hurt.--- I stood up and quickly went upstairs.

"Y/n wait." I heard harry say and follow after me. I went into the bathroom and locked myself in.  After a few minutes, a knock came at the door. "Y/n..? It's Harry." — I unlocked the door and let him come inside, then I quickly shut the door behind me.— "You have to know that George has been a wreck recently. Hes been drinking. Hes been lashing out at us all. — Him and Angelina probably aren't actually getting married." Harry reassured me. — I know what I did wasn't very nic and I defenintly didn't deserve this reassurance. "I just want him to be happy" I spoke with a shaky voice.— "Then go down there and speak with him."

I walked down stairs and heads automatically turned. "You ok Y/n?' Fred asked poiletly. "Yes I'm alright. George? — Could we talk upstairs please?" He nodded and followed me upstairs to his bedroom.

When we entered the bedroom, i quickly shut the door behind us and turned to him. "What you are doing is completely reckless."— "Bloody hell, Y/n. I knew you were going to say something like that." We stared at each other with a blank stare for a few moments. "I'm sorry.— Alright, Im sorry." George looked down at the ground and walked closer to me.

He was now inches away from my face. "Listen to me. I forgive you. But what you did, I will not forget. You made me feel like i had a chance with you then you go and sleep with my brother? You can be with Fred now , I don't care. But don't bother talking to me again." He nicked my shoulder as he walked out the door.


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