Were broken

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Before you read Elanora and Epifiano are very alike emotionally.I wanted to show you more about there relationship.

Elanoras POV:
"Let Lucas go Epifiano" I mutter walking through his office.I stand there looking at them intensely.Epifiano only grins ear to ear I see he winces a little probably because of the back eye he has.Emmanuels eyes fill with worry when I direct my honey colored eyes at him.His brown hazel eyes that I used love so much.I look to his right and see Lucas with a busted lip and black eye.I clench my fists at his injuries.

"Why the fuck is Lucas hurt"i mutter out angrily to Epifiano , who's eyes only grow darker by the second.I see his figure in front of me within seconds.Were a breath away from each other.I stand my guard looking at Epifianos brown orbs that held pure raw anger.But my eyes held anger as well ,Lucas got hurt.We stare at each other no word was exchanged.He suddenly brings his hand to my cheek slowly stroking it.I didn't even care if he was gonna hit me,but I know he wouldn't hurt me intentionally.I just need Lucas to be safe.As long as he's okay.I bring my hand up slowly stroking his cheek,he closes his eyes at my touch.He was such a sweetheart with me in the beginning of our relationship.Im pretty sure I would've fell for him hard if he didn't cheat.Why did I always go for the bad guys.I stroke his high cheekbones which seem to be sculpted by the gods.I quickly whisper to him lowly for only him to hear.

"Let him go and I'll do whatever you want"I say looking at him seriously.I keep stroking his cheek as I smile sadly to him.I stare at his brown eyes that look at me strangely.I retreat my hand from his face only for him to bring me in a tight hug.His head nuzzles in my neck inhaling my lavender scented smell,while his fingernails dig into my hip.Im quick to wrap my arms around his neck bringing him closer to me.I know you probably think I'm crazy but Epifiano only craves love .Hes beautifully broken ,he craves to be loved and not be abandoned like his parents did when he was younger.I understand him in that.Thats why I'm hugging the life out of him right now.He just needs love.

"Get out NOW"i say to Lucas and Emmanuel who look at me confused.

"Now"I say giving them a smile in reassurance.I slowly start detaching myself from Epifiano who only tightens his hold on me.

"Okay okay lets lay down at least"I say moving a little to the couch in the corner of his office.But before I go I'm quick to press the curtain button,making sure it's closed so they don't see us.
I move ,with him attached to me like life depended on it.I lay down so he could lay on top of me.His head nuzzles in my neck as his hands hold me still in a iron grip.I lay there running my hand through his soft brown hair.I hug him tighter for comfort.

The position were in is a little sketchy

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The position were in is a little sketchy.His body is in between my legs.The only bad thing is he could probably see my lacy black underwear.But I think he's to busy in my neck to notice.I lay there a while ,me running my hands through his hair till I feel his breathing even out indicating he fell asleep.I close my eyes for a couple minutes only for sleep to consume me.We're two beautifully broken souls who crave love and see the world in different perspectives .

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