Alive or Dead

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No ones POV:
Everyone bursts out of the room when they hear a gunshot.Everything when downhill ,people where running for dear life.

The Russo's on the other hand didn't move as if scared that gun was pointed at a certain someone.After all she's the sun to their darkness,meaning a lot of people want her dead.

Lucas sprints out of the room with everyone behind him,he runs looking for Elanora.His body freezes when the next image mortifies him.Elanora is on the floor bleeding with Maurizio holding onto her for dear life.He keeps trying to wake her up,Everyone seems to freeze in there spots.

Vince body goes rigid when he sees his principessa on the floor,her body in a puddle of blood.He lets tears fall angrily because someone just shot his baby girl.His heart aches in hurt ,he can't loose the sunshine in his gloomy days.Shes my little bundle of joy,she's everyone's bundle of joy.He falls to his knees disappointed and sad.

Matheo body aches as he sees his littlest sibling on the floor with a gunshot to her stomach.Her once beautiful dress is now scattered with blood,her blood.His fist clench and unclench.

Gabriel's body shakes as he sees his sisters body on the floor ,her once vibrant tan skin,is pale now.Her body immobile.All he can hear is his heart beat racing and Maurizio's booming loud voice.

""Maurizio stutters shaking Elanora violently.His heart immobile to believe his tesoro is dead.

Romano looks away from the scene ,he lets the tears fall from his eyes,his face hardens in sadness and anger.His little baby sister is on the floor,laying limp.His body goes rigid at the thought of loosing her.The thought of her dying kills him .

Marcos electric eyes shone with sadness and anger that someone was aiming for there family.The thought of loosing her aches his heart deeply,his heart clenches as he sees Maurizio's body shaking her violently trying to wake her up.

Esteban feels his body give out as he falls to his knees crying his eyes for his twin.He clutches his face as he sees her flooding in her puddle of blood.Her body limp and rigid making his insides churn.

Lucas clenches his fists in anger,he should've never left her alone.His eyes water as tears fall down his cheek at a fast pace.He breaths heavily as he sees Maurizio scream loudly trying to wake her up.I feel myself shatter into a million pieces as she lays limp with blood surrounding her.I feel myself walking slowly to her as I see the ambulance arrive.I see them hurriedly look around for any hurt victims,they sprint to Elanora when they see blood.

"MOVE MAURIZIO"Lucas screams at Maurizio who lets them take her away.

Maurizio stays in his place as he suddenly feels his body give out at the thought of her dead body in his shaky hands.

Everyone watches as Maurizio's body falls limp ,Lucas rushes over to him as his whole body is shaking at the thought of Elanora dead.His shaky hands go to check if Maurizio is okay.He feels a pulse and releases a breath,he must've passed out of tiredness or something.

" him"Lucas says to the medical crew who's putting Maurizio in a gurney.He turns around and sees the Russo's are gone,there probably driving to the hospital.

I run with the medical crew as they load Maurizio in the ambulance,I let my eyes linger to where
Elanora is.I make the mistake because when I do I see them giving her CPR.I look away quickly,please be okay,I get in the ambulance with Maurizio.The thought of Elanora constantly swirming my mind.Her bloody body playing in my mind.

The Russo's rush out of the scene after Maurizio passed out.

" you taking her"Vince asks the medical crew,they took Elanora away already.

"Evanlo hospital"one of the paramedics responds.

They watch as the vibrant color of the ambulance disappear.The Russo's wait as jack takes them to the hospital,everyone sacred at out of there mind for there little principessa.

They finally arrive when they see in view a huge building.

The Russo's sprint out of the car to the hospital doors.Vince owning the hospital shuts it down ,he doesn't want anybody coming in .

Matheo rushes to the reception,the nurse on call looks at them lustfully.

"How can I help you"the nurse asks ,winking

"Elanora Russo where is she"Matheo seethes in anger at the nurse who shuts up after hearing Russo.

"WHERE IS SHE"he asks again irritated,he pulls his gun out and points it at her temple.

"dov'è lei, stronza"(where is she, bitch),he mutters angrily as the nurse starts trembling in fear.

The nurse in fear starts typing Elanora Russo on the screen.Her name finally appears,the nurses face pales when she reads her last check up.

"I'm...s..sorry"the nurse stutters out to Matheo who only breaks down on his knees.His principessa is dead,he couldn't protect her.

Everyone watches as Matheo drops to his knees ,making everything around them freeze in slow motion,she's gone.

"Family of Elanora Russo"a middle age doctor gets everyone's attention.

Vince sprints to the doctor,Matheo on the floor crying his eyes out,Gabriel frozen in his place unable to process it,Marcos leaning on the wall as he refuses to believe his sister is gone,Romano on the floor clutching his face as he relives his sister's limp body,and Esteban yelling at everyone that she's okay .

"How is she ,she better be okay or your ass will be gone by tomorrow"Vince says angrily as hot tears fall from his eyes.

"Sir your daughter came in with GSW(gun shot wound) to the abdomen.When we took her in she had already lost to much blood in the scene,we gave her more blood.Your daughter sir is stable but I have some bad news"the doctor says

Everyone stands up after hearing she's stable,she's okay.

"The blood loss that Elanora lost was crucial,right after we got her out of the scene her organs were shutting down ,I'm sorry to inform you but your daughter right now is in a coma,she may wake up but we're not to sure it's up to her now"the doctor explains leaving the family to pieces,she may not wake up.

Enjoy small chapter
Next chapter is much longer ❤️

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