Chapter 1

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                "Thalia, I've got your cross," I repeat over and over. Thalia and I are strikers and captains for our all-girls school soccer team; we have been playing soccer together since we were in kindergarten. I have always considered myself very good at soccer and I love what I do. As a senior in high school, I believe that it is my job to help train, condition, and help teach all of the underclassmen on our team.

            Thalia passes me the ball and I take the ball up the left sideline, doing a scissor kick in front of their right defender and I then take a shot into the top right corner of the soccer net. The fans for our team scream and the players from my team lift me onto their shoulders as they scream my name in excitement.

            "BETH! BETH! BETH! BETH, WAKE UP!" Wake up? What are they talking about...? Oh, this is a dream.

"BETHANY ROSE! Wake up this instant! You are going to be late for school!" My nanny, Lynn, said as she shook my shoulder to wake me up.

"Lynn, I'm awake. Thanks for ruining a perfectly fine dream." I groaned as I turned my body and threw myself into the pillow.

"Beth, don't be so dramatic. You will live. Now get up and get yourself ready for school, you should have been there twenty minutes ago and you know how Daniel gets when he has to drive you to school late." Lynn lectured, trying to be forceful.

            I rolled my eyes and stood up from my bed so that she would leave and I could get dressed; surely enough, she turned around and shut the door forcefully. Lynn was my full time nanny even though I am seventeen and I could clearly take care of myself. Well, I guess not totally since I forgot to turn my alarm clock back on and ended up having to have her wake me up. I walked over to the closet and picked out a pair of skinny jeans with a band tee.

When I noticed that I looked okay, I went to the bathroom to straighten my hair and put a small amount of make-up on. My hair is a dirty blond color that has many different shades of blond, brown, red, and black. When all of the colors are combined, it looks really natural; when you looked at it, it looked just like a normal blond.

When I was finished with my hair, I walked down the stairs toward the kitchen to get something for breakfast, seeing as I am already late for my first period, Music Appreciation, then I quickly ran to the car where my driver, Daniel, opened the door for me with a glare in place and gave me a look that made me understand that he was very unhappy with trying to get me to my high school late. Understanding this, I became very aware that I would have a very boring silent ride for the ten minute drive.


I rushed to my second period class, English, and barged into the room; my eyes rounded in shock.

"Ms. Parker, glad to see that you showed up to class on time. What did you do this time? Oversleep?" Mrs. Mason said sarcastically as she glared at me and gave me a look that said, 'challenge me. I dare you.'

"I am incredibly sorry Mrs. Mason. I didn't mean to come in to class late. It won't happen anymore. I promise."

"You're right. It won't happen anymore, because you have detention and if it happens again you will receive a write up," Mrs. Mason condemned me. I just nodded and made it to the back of the class where my seat was and where my friend, Thalia, sat. She gave me a look that said that we needed to talk during lunch and I just gave her a slight nod telling her I understood.

Thalia has been my friend since we were in kindergarten. We met in a park where a boy started making fun of me.


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