Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Dad woke me up at six-thirty the next morning, something about how I need to be up for school early so that I can eat breakfast and get started for the day. As my dad left, I slowly got up and walked over to my in suite bathroom. After I used the restroom, I walked over to the sink to wash my hands and looked up into the mirror. To say the least, I looked horrible. My hair was a knotted mess and my make-up was smeared from where I forgot to take it off last night. Okay, so maybe I didn't forget to take my make up off, in all honesty, I was too lazy to do anything but plop onto my bed and fall straight to sleep. With that being said, I didn't take a shower last night so I gathered my cloths, striped, turned the shower to hot, and started my shower.

"Lather, rinse; repeat. Lather, rinse; repeat," I started singing. Friends is one of my favorite shows that I love to watch and Phoebe is one of my favorite characters. Whenever I get into the shower, I usually start singing this song. Actually, all that I have to do is think of showering or washing something and I will start singing this song, in my head or out loud. Sometimes I don't even realize that I am singing it...which can get really awkward if people are around to hear me.

After my shower, I dressed myself into some skinny jeans and an off the shoulder top. Skinny jeans are my world; to me, they go with anything that I wear. After I changed, I dried my hair and curled it with my wand; I do not curl my hair all that often because it really damages my hair and makes it dry, so usually I just braid it or use a non-heat method of styling my hair.

After my morning routine, I walked down stairs to the smell of bacon and pancakes being cooked in the kitchen. Checking the time, I realized that I still had an hour till I had to leave for school, which is really weird for me because I almost never wake up more than an hour before I need to leave, let alone two hours before my normal time.

"Good morning, Darling," my mother greeted me as she sat a plate of blueberry pancakes with strawberry syrup and bacon down in front of me.

"Good morning, Mom," I replied, not in the mood for much conversation, giving that it was seven o'clock in the morning. I started eating my food; when my dad came into the room several minutes later with a cup of coffee in hand.

"Hello, Beth. You ready for school today? I heard that the other school would be officially combining with yours today. I bet it is going to be hell trying to get through to your classes. You think that the teachers will have problems with classes today?" My dad kept throwing questions into my face out of curiosity.

"Dad," I started after I finished my last bite of food. "You are sounding like a gossiping teenage girl; please tone it down. I think that today will be hectic at first but it will ease up eventually. Anyway, I am going to go ahead to school a half hour earlier. I might need to go into the newspaper room and edit some articles before we print them and sell them during the lunch period," I told my parents as I gave them each a kiss on the cheek and headed out the door to my Aston Martin.

The drive to school was not all that eventful seeing as it was a simple ten minute drive to the school. The traffic was not completely horrible, which was a surprise because it is in the middle of rush hour in New York City.

Pulling into my parking space at the school, I stepped out to see that I one of the few people who are actually here forty-five minutes before school started. Walking into the school, I made a few turns and entered the Newspaper room. I am the chief editor of the newspaper and yesterday during our free period, A few of the staff and I got together to read through everything that we wrote and I did some revising to make sure that nothing bad was going into the paper.

I corrected a few mistakes and then I printed off about eight hundred copies of the paper. We give the papers all throughout the week but the amount that I printed off will only last about two days before I will need to print off more. I fund the newspapers with my own money so that students do not have to pay for the newspapers, because let's be honest. There are hardly anyone who wants to pay for a magazine.

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