Coworker AU - Part 2

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Here's part two! And thank you for 4 k and all the lovely comments, I really enjoy reading them!


"Hey Granger," Ron said cocky walking into the lab, where Hermione was standing. She looked to the side and smiled when she saw him and pulled her goggles down. She looked around for other people before leaning in for a quick peck and said "Hey Weasley" Ron grinned when she pulled away and let his lips float in the air for a second, Hermione laughed at his expression and that he couldn't handle a simple kiss.

"You are killing me, Mione," he said and walked to the other side of the lab table. She smirked and grabbed his shirt and pulled him in for another kiss. Ron pretended to faint and Hermione leaned over the table so they're faces were almost touching. "Just wait until tonight, I" she said but was interrupted by Harry groaning annoyed loudly from a phone on the table.

"Guys guys! I'm on speaker!" he cried out which made Hermione and Ron laugh "Every bloody time" he muttered to himself which made them laugh more. Harry quickly announced his leaving which left them alone again.

"Oh," Ron said suddenly as he just remembered something "Are we still on for lunch now that Harry is away?"

"Definitely," Hermione said and smiled before tilting her head, "I think it's going really well, you and I." She said thoughtfully and Ron nodded but before he could say anything, McGonagall walked in and Ron not-so-sneakily scurried away from Hermione. McGonagall briefed them on the new cases.

Ever since Hermione and Ron had gotten together, they had tried to keep it a secret. Not because they were embarrassed, they just didn't want the entire police department knowing about their personal life. Well except Harry, who Ron immediately called after the date and told him everything. After almost a year of being together, Hermione moved into Ron's apartment and they got a cat named Crookshanks. And then two weeks after that, Ron proposed. Even though the two had gotten together, they still remained somewhat professional at work and they had lunch with Harry every day or as he would call third wheel-hour-of-torture but secretly he really like the time they spent together and were happy to see them as a couple. It did prove somewhat difficult when someone tried to set them up or when the patrol officers flirted with Hermione. But she barely noticed and just went straight to Ron which made his heart do a leap.

And also it was "technically" against the police departments protocol to date a colleague. But nobody ever suspected anything, even when Ron and Hermione always carpooled together because the lived together. There even was a rumour that Harry and Hermione had dated once but they just laughed it off.

And it all went generally smoothly. Until one god forbidden day when they were done for the day.

"Hey, so Sherlock tonight?" Hermione spoke as Ron and Hermione were clearing up their things for the day. They had both gotten slightly obsessed with it and was now binge-watching it every time they both had the night off.

"Yes sounds great, love" Ron answered and smiled slightly at her. He then said, "Uhh by the way I stopped at the jewellers and got a ring so now I can propose for real."

Hermione laughed and said "You know, I already said yes. Even though you proposed to me next to a dead body"

"Yeah.." Ron said and dragged it out with a smile on his face "That's not exactly the most romantic proposal ever"

"Well, I would have said yes anywhere." She said and kissed him. Ron felt truly happy.

He pulled his briefcase over his shoulder and leaned against the table as Hermione finished up. They walked out of the office and around the corner towards the exit and fresh air, when they met their coworkers standing around a phone looking shocked.

"Whatcha staring?" asked Ron and startled them all. Hermione looked at them curiously with a raised eyebrow. Lee Jordan, a fellow forensic worker stumbled back and crossed his arms awkwardly. "Uhm nothing right?" Katie Bell asked the group suspiciously. They all stared at each other before Neville, a rookie officer spoke up:

"We all heard your entire conversation because you hadn't turned your speaker system off." He said quickly and the group around him groaned and said " Damn it, Neville" and made him look guilty. Ron and Hermione looked at each other and seriously considered making a run for it.

"So Ronald and Hermione how long have you two been smooshing booty's?" Asked Fred and one of the resident troublemakers. "Don't leave anything out" said George jokingly, the other part of their comedic duo.

"You're engaged?!" Asked Dean Thomas and was backed up by Seamus. Which Hermione thought was a bit hypocritical because she knew for a fact that they had been dating for 3 months, but she would never tell anyways.

"Well..." Hermione started and glanced up at Ron trying to think of an excuse "I mean...yep" answered Ron and beamed down at her before grabbing her hand. She smiled at him and raised her eyebrow at him but he just shrugged and grinned.

"Wow, I did not see this coming," Luna tells them happily and wanders away. Mclaggen, the most annoying detective to ever step foot in the precinct scowled slightly at Ron as he also walked away, but for some entirely different reasons. Ron couldn't help but smirk a little as they made eye contact and he felt really happy that it wasn't Hermione and McLaggen that had made their relationship public.

"Congratulations you guys," said Susan Bones and others followed. Maybe it wouldn't that they knew thought Hermione.

After many hugs, the two of them sneakily headed for the exit so that they could get home. On the way the met McGonagall that was sitting in her glass office. She made a nod at them as a form of approved and they smiled back. They walked together out the door with their hands intertwined.

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