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hey all! i had a story idea so i decided to write a bit. it's still in the works so it might be some time before i start getting chapters out, but here's an excerpt!

"Look, I really didn't think–"


"Will you let me finish?"

He laughs but there's no humor in his eyes. "You want me to let you finish? How about I tell you exactly what you did?"

He takes a step towards me and the words I'm about to say die in my throat.

"One." His voice is quiet, deadly. "You attacked a Basilisk without any backup whatsoever. Two." He takes another step towards me, fuming. "You kept me trapped in that summoning circle for three days, and when you finally call, unconsciously, might I add, I see that you're basically half dead."

I lift my arms and gently shove him back. "Wait, is that what this is about? Keeping you there? I thought we–"

"I'm not done yet."

The four words slice through the air and leave a heavy silence behind, and he's staring at me like he's looking right into my soul.

"Three," he whispers.

His face is right in front of mine even though I swear I pushed him back a few seconds ago. My heart is pounding in my chest and it's beating so hard that I'm scared it's going to stop working and for some reason all I can think about are his eyes.

"You're in denial."

I can't move.

You're wrong, I want to scream. I don't know what you're talking about.

But I do.

He lifts an arm and my eyes close on their own, scared that he's going to hit me but what he does instead is so much worse.

His hand is on my chin and he's tracing my lips with his thumb and something in his gaze has changed. My mouth falls open even though I asked it not to and suddenly all I can think about is how close he is and how the air is filled with nothing but him, the smell of soap and something I don't know, but it smells like him, belongs to him.

"I think I've told you before that not a lot of things can kill me."

"W-what does that have to do with anything?"

He's looking at me like I've gone crazy and maybe I have, maybe I've gone insane because I can't seem to push him away. I'm struggling to keep oxygen in my lungs as he runs his hand down my arms and under my shirt and I'm trying to move but I can't, trying to talk but I can't, so all I do is stare back.


My heart stutters.

"You ruin me."

hope you guys like it :D 

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