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Many people are envious of rich people. Aren't they? Their status, money, can have anything with snap of their fingers, the luxuries of life. That's what they see; forgetting there is always two sides of coins. Sideliners always see the smooth sailing not the rift in waves, bling but not the dirt, luxury but not the hurt. They don't see how this rich, elite class can do anything to save their face in society; even if it meant to drag their own flesh and blood into some remote area, talk about riches to rag.

Maybe that's how Sanchez feels right now or maybe its relief from so called overbearing parents. Who only remember you in need and otherwise never?

Sanchez feel trapped already being shipped to this farm house. It's not like he'll be living with total strangers but, with his father's eldest brother, his uncle; Elister and his family. He knows them true but, at the same time it's weird for his parents to ship him here and ask for their help especially his aunts; to regain his senses. If even it makes any senses. It's not like he have any choice. No, the only predicament is this dinner.

"I can't thank you enough" his father, Samuel went on with his gratitude speech nth time already.

"Its fine Sam" his uncle, Elister humbly replied "we are family and he is my son too."

Well can someone please save me, Sanchez thought to himself. He can't take this soap opera anymore, as if god listened to his prayers his aunt came out with dessert his mother in tow.

"Enough already" Charlotte Edmond called out "if you thank us one more time I might just chuck you out of the house."

"Well boss has spoken." His uncle joked, they all sharing a light laugh.

Sanchez just thanked heaven above. All he knows if one more minute he has to endure that stupid gratitude shit, either he would have exploded with anger or might have killed himself. Later sound more apt anyways.

After dinner dragged an hour or so and soon his parents retired to their room for early night; as they were leaving tomorrow for states and leaving Sanchez here alone with his uncle and aunt and their kids, who weren't here tonight?

As night progressed so were his thoughts and one thing to know about him is; him and thoughts never mix well. They either turn wild or futile.

Maybe this time away from states his so called rich life will do something good or it will be disaster? Only time will tell and well his aunt. Who will be monitoring him? Like he needs someone to monitor him, given he made a mistake but, when you trust someone as your family; even more so and the betrayal they cause is gut wrenching, breaking all your trust. You are thrown off your orbit, and wall comes up and no matter who tries to walk through them, they can't. Swimming in his thoughts soon sleep followed with nothing but, darkness with no dreams.

Next day, he woke up disoriented as usual; clock beside his bed read ten in morning and that meant only one thing his parents left already. The only good thing in this morning; Sanchez quickly went with his routine and skipped downstairs straight into the kitchen in hope of feeding his howling stomach.

Only to be greeted by already made breakfast on island with note with just a smiley face on it. Sanchez happily munched the simple breakfast of pancakes with glass of milk.

"You liked it." Startled by the voice Sanchez abruptly stood from his chair in freight. Only to see his aunt Charlotte leaning against the kitchen door "sorry, I didn't intend to eat in kitchen." Quickly apologized for his eating etiquette not knowing whether his aunt be angry or not.

"Why are you apologizing?" Charlotte asked his nephew "it's alright; we all do it"

"Really" Sanchez asked surprised by her laid back attitude not that he never knew his aunt but, still. If he were to be caught by his mother he could have never heard end of it.

"Are you done with it?" his aunt questioned

"Yeah" Sanchez replied putting his dishes aside in sink.

"Well c'mon then" together they went out of the house to walk around the lavish property.

"They send you here without your consent" his aunt asked

"Pretty much" Sanchez honestly gave his answer. It's not like she doesn't knew already "you already know this aunt char. Then why ask?"

"hmm" Charlotte hummed in agreement "still I want to hear it from you."

"Well now you have" Sanchez sighed

"Why would you do it?" Charlotte asked straight to the mark as always.

"you also think I did something" Sanchez asked his aunt, not taking it to heart just; she is the one person in whole family who never thinks with dollar sign but, rather with good head on her shoulder.

"it's not what I think?" Charlotte replied walking ahead "it's about what you think you did?"

"Why you have to talk in riddles all the time?" Sanchez asked following her footsteps "you always do this, letting other figure what's wrong or right." Accused his aunt for being cryptic about her thoughts and not actually telling what she really meant?"

"What's fun in that?" Charlotte shouted over her shoulder enjoying riling up her nephew.

Sanchez just groaned at his aunt behavior but, followed where ever she is leading him and what other choice does he have? He is stuck here for a whole damn year. Who told him to take the year off after graduating high school? But, one thing was clear he has one long, too long year ahead of him.

"ahhhhhhhhhhhhh" Sanchez screamed out loud in frustration.

"Going out all cave man I see" his aunt called from distance "keep on going. It might help you find some answers too." She teased him again.

"Aunt char" Sanchez whined in agitation only to be greeted by her light laughter without any malice, just a pure laugh of happiness making him monetarily forget about his impending issues and thoughts those never tend to stray way from him.

Maybe a year might not be that long, after all.



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