Chapter 16

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When the Alliance did finally did arrive, they all stood together in front of scorpia and perfuma's house. When the couple finally opened the doors, Flora in perfuma's arms, there was a moment of chaotic squealing. Scorpia laughed to herself.

Perfuma gently held out Flora to Catra, who gingerly took the baby with a proud smile on her face. Flora started to cry. Catra's face immediately fell as she tried to figure out what had scared the tiny princess.

Spinny gave Catra a kind smile and gently took Flora from catra's arms, rocking her slowly in her arms and whispering to her quietly. Flora stopped crying, looking up at her curiously.

Spinnerella smiled gently. After a minute, she handed Flora to Bow. Around the circle Flora went, crying with Glimmer, Netossa, Frosta, Bow and Seahawk. When seahawk had Flora in his arms, and she started to cry, he frowned and looked around, then quickly gave her to Mermista. The baby in her arms opened her eyes, somehow a exact mix of her mom's eyes. Tiny Flora sneezed, then giggled at the noise she made.

Mermista stared at her, her eyes wide and starry. 'I would die for you.' She whispered as she watched flora figure out she had curly hair on top of her head, making tiny blubbering noises.

Perfuma gently took the little one back, gushing at her beautiful eyes.

Later, Entrapta held her in her actual arms and smiled at her, a smile that lit up her face. 'It's a tiny scorpia!' She marveled to herself. Flora saw the grimace on Hordak's face as he held her, but didn't pay any attention and fell asleep.

He handed the baby back to Spinnerella, noticing how mermista openly glared daggers at him in challenge when he was holding the tiny princess.

Mermista was holding a very sad seahawk, who was upset that Flora didn't like him. 'She's a baby. She met a lot of people today. She's probably just overwhelmed.' She told him, trying to be annoyed but failing miserably.

Perfuma took Flora inside to feed her, and scorpia stayed out with their friends. She held Finn in her arms, and they giggled to themselves as they poked scorpia's pincers, making a tapping noise.

'She's so precious, scorpia.' Glimmer said, bow behind her. 'She's just a bit overwhelmed i think, I really do think she'll like you two.'

Bow smiled gratefully. 'I felt so bad she started to cry.'

'New people are scary for babies i think.'

'Finn cried with us, too. And now we babysit them and they're okay for the most part.'

Scorpia nodded. When perfuma came back out, with Flora in her arms, she called everyone's attention.

'I know none of us are actually biologically family, but I would like you all to be godparents of flora. She can call you aunts or uncles or whatever you all are comfortable with, but I'd like to raise her, and Finn, with your permission, adora and catra, to be the new generation of the alliance. If that is alright with you. I think we shouldn't let  this family end with us.'

Adora looked at catra, who nodded. 'We'll all need one another.' Adora said. 'Flora and Finn will be the first of the new generation of the alliance of etheria.' Catra said.

Mermista looked pointedly at seahawk. 'No teaching them to set ships on fire.'

' promises..?' He asked. Mermista rolled her eyes. Later, he took her to the waterfall and proposed. Scorpia had helped. She had helped Hercules make small rings with fire and water symbols on them for the two of them.

Mermista had rolled her eyes again, but by the way she couldn't hide a smile, seahawk grinned. He gave her the ring with the fire symbol on it. Seahawk got off his knee and kissed her.

Perfuma grew a flower in mermista's hair and a flower crown on seahawk's head when she saw the two return to the village hand in hand.

She looked down at Flora, tilted her head, and gently put a small pink flower in her hair. Later, when she tried to take it out, Flora started to cry and grab for it. Perfuma smiled and put it back. Baby flora stopped crying immediately.

'Looks like she is like her mom.' Scorpia joked, placing a kiss on her wife's head. Perfuma leaned into scorpia's side, a smile on her face.

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