II Chapter 2 II

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"Miya, I just told you to fucking shut up and rest."

Now, Kiyoomi knows that he's not supposed to cuss in front of his patient but his patience is so close to hitting the zero point. 

"Eh?? But Omi-omi, yer moles are real cute you know! If you just smiled a bit, I'll fall for ya in an instant. Not that I haven't yet." Atsumu teased, laughing away when he got a reaction from Kiyoomi.

"Well unfortunately, you won't be seeing my smile ever." Kiyoomi retorted .

Atsumu rolled his eyes and stuck his tongue out like a five year old would do in this situation, but  he followed Kiyoomi's instruction anyways. He closed his eyes,  his eyebrows scrunching when he felt his bones aching. He whimpered when he tried to lay down on his side, his muscles protesting at the pain. Sweat dripping down his back despite the air conditioner and he immediately felt relief when his pain was numbed. He opened his eyes to see Kiyoomi adjusting his liquids, pumping pain killers into his blood stream. And he just admires the way those raven black curls from his hair hung, framing his handsome face. He was so tempted to kiss those two moles on his forehead for fun and to annoy him rather much. His mind kept on admiring the other's beauty when he slowly drifted to sleep.

Kiyoomi released a breath he didn't know he kept when he saw Atsumu's pained expression when his bones ached. Watching him looking peaceful relieved Kiyoomi to a degree he knows doesn't exist. He just looked so... Peaceful. And Kiyoomi is curious. Only a little bit curious about Atsumu.

Working continued as usual, months later and he was getting the hang of it. His irregular hours though made him unable to have a proper meal, only eating in front of Atsumu to convince the sickly blonde to also eat.

"Is that... Is that umeboshi? Omi, ya eat that?" Atsumu asked, his chopsticks hanging from his mouth. 

Kiyoomi looked up from his lunch tray that he brought from the canteen, still chewing the word said umeboshi. He stared at Atsumu's face, his skin gaining colour from eating.

He looked at the umeboshi sitting on top of his rice and then back at Atsumu's face 

"You want to try it?" Kiyoomi asked and the way Atsumu's face lit up to those words made him trip despite him sitting down.

He picked one up with his chopsticks and delivered it to Atsumu's waiting mouth. He watched as Atsumu began to chew with an unexplainable expression on his face. He let out a laugh when Atsumu scrunched his face, the sourness getting to him.

"Omi-kun." Atsumu suddenly said


"Didja... Didja just laugh?!"

Kiyoomi then straightened up and made his face neutral. He shot Atsumu a look before saying, "It was just your imagination." 

Atsumu then shook his head, an offended look on his face.

"It surely wasn't! I didn't know ya can laugh Omi-omi."

Clearing his throat, Kiyoomi shifted his stare to his lunch tray and continued eating.

"Well, you don't know me Miya."

"Then tell me."

Kiyoomi tried to ignore Atsumu's  intense stare. He looked up and met Atsumu's eyes and he can see the blond's curiosity in them. He sighed and put away the now empty such tray and faced Atsumu properly.

"There's nothing much to know about me."

"Then tell me about yer family."

"I don't have any siblings but I have a cousin. His name is Komori Motoya and he's now a professional volleyball player. He's a libero. Since I've been branded as a germaphobe, I really don't have any close friends. But I still keep in contact with Hinata and Bokuto. They're also both professional volleyball players." Kiyoomi said.

"Hmm. Since ya have friends that are volleyball players, do you also play volleyball Omi?" Atsumu guessed, a hint of familiarity on his eyes.

"Mmn", Kiyoomi hummed. "I use to be one of the top spikers in the country. But I injured my wrist so I couldn't continue playing."

He observed Atsumu's face, and he can see longing.

"I used to play too, ya know. I'mma setter!" Atsumu giggled, lifting his arms to mimic a set. He then stopped and laid his head on the window, watching the bustling city below.

Kiyoomi hummed again, a sign that he was listening and that prompted Atsumu to continue.

"I was diagnosed with ALM just when I was about to finish my third year of being in high school. People typically only survive 4-6 months after diagnosis, and if yer really lucky, you'll end up living for five years. It ended my volleyball career. Symptoms showed up on my second year but because I exercised regularly, it held the cancer back for a bit. At least that's what they say." Atsumu looked back at Kiyoomi, wondering if the young doctor was bored of him already but there was Kiyoomi, making himself comfortable as he can be on the cushioned chair, not a single trace of boredom on his face. He chuckled a bit, earning a questioning look from Kiyoomi. He just shook his head and continued with the story.

"I didn't stay here 24/7, ya know. I went to university, just stayed at the hospital fro a week every month for my treatment. And the doctors thought I was getting better. I thought that I was getting better. Until two years ago, my body ached a lot like the time before I got diagnosed. They said that I broke out a high fever and I was sweating like crazy, and I was like "Whats new?". All I could smell was iron because of my nosebleeds and even though I haven't played volleyball for almost a month, I had bruises" Atsumu let out a small smile. "I miss playing. Yeah, they let me out on good days if I could walk but that's that really."

Listening to Atsumu's story of him being diagnosed, Kiyoomi refused to look at the numbers. His  eyes once again travelled on Atsumu's frail pale body and he refused to acknowledge the way he felt his heart drop.

Don't get too close.


Hi everyone Im so sorry that this chapter came out so late, school hasn't been doing me good and I've been reading another fanfic on Ao3 so Im so sorry but seem thing as last time pls say if anything is wrong with it, If not then you don't have to say anything. 

P.S if you see the words that are not the same as what you say its because Im British and yeh ;-;   (like the word canteen is for the word cafeteria in Britain:) )

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