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Yeah it's a warning
Go away or else you'll get hurt
The moment you cross the line

Hyunjae felt a chill run down his spine as he walked down the dark street to his apartment. It felt like someone was watching him. He looked over his shoulder once again but saw nobody. The street was dark and empty which only creeped him out more. Hyunjae walked quickly the rest of the way to his apartment, almost running up the stairs and slamming the door shut behind him. "Hyunjae is that you?" A voice called from the bedroom. Hyunjae instantly relaxed at the sound of his boyfriend's voice. "Yeah it's me Joon!" He yelled. The man in question stepped out of the bedroom and into the hallway. There he was... Hyunjae's one weakness. Jeon Joonwoo. The taller male realized his lover was shaking and rushed over. "Jae what is it? You're shaking like crazy!" Hyunjae looked up at him. "I think someone was following me."

After checking for the fifth time that all the windows and door were locked Hyunjae finally relaxed and got in the shower while Joonwoo got ready for bed. He sang along to the music he had playing as he let the hot water soothe him. The steady sound of the streaming water and the music drowned out any other noise in the house. He closed his eyes and let himself be carried away into a deep state of relaxation. He wasn't aware of the figure watching them from afar. Once he turned off the water and opened the curtain he screamed, coming face to face this a tall figure. 

"Calm down baby it's just me." Joonwoo said carefully, knowing his boyfriend was scared. Hyunjae caught his breath and frowned at the other male. "Don't scare me like that!" Joonwoo looked down at the floor. "I didn't mean to. You just forgot your towel on the bed." He explained hand the younger his towel. Hyunjae smiled a little as he wrapped the towel around his waist. "Thank you love." He kissed his boyfriend's cheek and walked to the bedroom to get dressed. The familiar chill ran down his spine and he looked around. Nothing. He shrugged it off and got dressed. "Hey Joon? Can we go to bed?" Jae looked at the door with a pout when the taller male walked in with a smile. "Of course my love." 

Throughout the night Hyunjae had so many nightmares that when he woke up to an empty apartment he thought he was still dreaming. The clock on the wall read 2:48 p.m and he started to panic. He pulled out his phone to call Joonwoo but he stopped when he saw the note on the table. 'Hey baby I couldn't sleep so I went for a walk. If you wake up and I'm not here that's why. I love you.' Hyunjae let out a sigh of relief. He went back to bed and waited for Joon to come back, but after about half an hour he started to get worried. He pulled on a pair of shoes and ran out the door and down the stairs. Once he got outside he heard a scream. Joonwoo's scream and it came from the alley. Hyunjae ran to the alley to find Joon covered lying lifeless on the ground covered in blood. "Joonwoo!"

"I'm sorry sir but Mr. Jeon didn't make it... He's dead..." Hyunjae felt his heart drop to the floor along with his body. He screamed in agony, tears streaming down his face. Hyunjae's best friend, Dongyoung, who had shown up not long after Hyunjae had called him held his sobbing friend to try and comfort him. Hyunjae felt like his whole world had just gone up in smoke. Joonwoo was dead and there was nothing more Hyunjae could have done to save him. He was never going to forgive himself for this. 

"Jae. I'm staying. You shouldn't be alone right now." Dongyoung wasn't going to change his mind so Hyunjae gave in. "Fine but I have work in the morning so I'll be awake early. You're welcome to stay as long as you'd like just make sure you lock up." Dongyoung nods. "I'll take the cou-" "No!" Hyunjae interrupts his friend. Dongyoung looks at his friend confused. "Can you please stay with me? You don't have to do anything like cuddle me or anything just... in case I have a nightmare..." Dongyoung had known Hyunjae all his life and knew that Jae's nightmares terrorized him so he agreed without complaint or question. "Alright."

"Oh sorry did I wake you?" Hyunjae whispered as he noticed Dongyoung waking up. "Oh no you're fine." He mumbles, his voice rough and sleepy. Hyunjae grabbed his shoes and pulled them on. "Sorry I have to open the shop today but I'll see you later!" He yelled as he ran out of the apartment. Dongyoung sighed and shook his head. He could hear Hyunjae crying and screaming in his sleep. "He doesn't have to pretend like his boyfriend wasn't just murdered." Dongyoung mumbled and got out of Hyunjae's bed. Joonwoo used to sleep here.

The sound of the bell on the door pulled Hyunjae of his memories with Joonwoo. He had been thinking about all the good times they had together and sobbing in the back room. The shop rarely has customers so he figured he could finally bed able to mourn the loss of the one he loved. Hyunjae quickly wiped his tears and walked out to the front, putting on a fake smile. "Hello! How may I help you?" He asked. A good-looking gentleman in a suit turned around. Both men froze and just stared at each other. The man in the suit tore his gaze away. "I need an arrangement of red roses." He spoke carefully. Hyunjae nodded. "How many?" The man looked at him with a soft smile "20." Hyunjae's eyes went wide then he gave a sad smile. "Wow... They must be for someone special... Can I uh get your name for the order?" "Baekhyun. Byun Baekhyun."

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