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Beautiful silhouette
Sweet Voices
It drives me crazy

Hyunjae's eyes slowly blink open and take in his surroundings but the room he was in was dark and cold. He quickly took notice of his arms and legs tied to the chair he was sitting in. They were tied up with... silk? Hyunjae tugged on the soft fabric but it didn't budge. "What the hell..." He screamed for help as he pulled harder, trying to free himself but it was no use. "Am I going to die...?" He whispered to himself. He began to cry, not knowing what else to do as he was scared and confused. The sound of the door opening caught his attention and a shadowy figure walked in. "Careful darling... Silk may be soft but you could still hurt yourself if you pull too hard." Hyunjae froze. Although it had changed over the years, he knew that voice all too well. He slowly looked up and made out the face of someone he knew quite well in the darkness. Hyunjae's breathing hitched as he came face to face with the person. "B-Baekhyun...?"

"Hello Hyunjae." Baekhyun gave the terrified boy a sickeningly sweet smile. The blood on Baekhyun's cheek didn't go unnoticed by the younger male. "Baekhyunnie what's going on? Are you hurt?" Baekhyun almost cooed over how sweet the boy in front of him was, worrying about him even though he's tied up. "I'm alright Jae." Hyunjae nodded towards his hands. "Can you please help me?" He pleaded, not understanding the situation. Baekhyun chuckled and walked over to the boy. Hyunjae looked up at him with pure fear in his eyes and Baekhyun smiles. "You look so beautiful when your vulnerable baby..." He gently caresses Hyunjae's face, loving the confused expression that washes over his features. Hyunjae flinched and Baekhyun sighed. "But there's nothing to be scared of. You're home now. And I won't ever let you go again..."

"What...?" was all Hyunjae could manage to say. Baekhyun gripped his chin harshly and forced Hyunjae to look at him. "You are mine. You belong to me and only me. Nobody else can have you. Understood?" Baekhyun's voice was dark and Hyunjae let out a small whimper. He was absolutely terrified. He had never seen this side of Baekhyun, it sent chills down his spine. Was it fear or adoration? He couldn't tell. "You'll be a good boy for me right? If I untie you?" He asked in what sounded like a low growl. Hyunjae carefully nodded. What was wrong with him? Why didn't he scream and cry and push him away? "Words baby." "Ye-Yes." Hyunjae shakily whispered afraid of what would happen to him. Baekhyun smiled and leaned in to capture Hyunjae's lips in a soft kiss. "Good boy."

Once Hyunjae's wrists were free he put distance between himself and the older male. "Baekhyun what do you think you're doing? You know I'm in love with someone-" "Who's dead." Baekhyun cut him off, eyes shinning in what seemed like love, lust, or insanity. Maybe all three. His entire aura was dark and menacing. Hyunjae felt his heart drop. "D-Did you..." "Kill him? No darling." Baekhyun walked toward the smaller boy, backing him into a corner and placing small kisses on his jaw. "There's no need to be afraid. I won't hurt you. Just breathe baby." He breathed against his skin. For some reason, Hyunjae did as he said and felt himself relax. "O-Okay..." Baekhyun smiled and stepped back, holding his hand out for Hyunjae to take. "Come with me. I'll show you to your room."

"Wait so you're going to keep me here forever!?" Hyunjae stares at his old friend in shock. The room they were in was beautiful but with all the locks on the door and windows and the security camera outside his door, Hyunjae still felt trapped. Baekhyun smiles darkly. "I will keep you here however long it takes you to fall in love with me." Hyunjae couldn't believe what he was hearing. He was hoping he could reason with Baek. "Hyunnie can we talk about this? You don't have to keep me here. We can go back to being friends and I'll forget this ever happened. Wouldn't that be better?" Baekhyun chuckled and shook his head. "That's not how this works and you know it. I don't care what I have to do or how long it takes, you will fall in love with me sooner or later and be mine forever."

Hyunjae didn't know what to feel as he sat alone in the room, so many thoughts rushing through his mind. "What the hell just happened to me?" He whispers to himself, trying to process what's going on. His life had been thrown into something straight out of a horror movie. In the past 24 hours his boyfriend was murdered, he found his best friend that he thought was dead, that same best friend then kidnapped him and is apparently in love with him. Hyunjae had no way out unless he fell in love with Baekhyun. 'Maybe if I just fake it he'll start trusting me and let me go or I can escape.' Hyunjae thinks to himself. His plan was risky because if he slipped up he wasn't sure what Baekhyun could do to him. But he has to try. 'Then I can get out of here...'

Baekhyun smiled to himself as he fell back on his bed. He had Hyunjae in the palm of his hand. Would it take time and a lot of persuasion to get him where he wanted him? Sure, but that was time and effort he was willing to put in. There's a knock on his door and when he opens it Hyunjae is standing there. He's a bit shocked seeing the smaller boy on the other side. "Hyunnie." Hyunjae mumbles quietly. Baekhyun gives him a worried look as the smaller boy looks up at him. "I want to try and make us work." Baekhyun smiled and hugged the boy. "Thank you..." Baekhyun smiles, the word us ringing through his mind. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2021 ⏰

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