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Feel like I'm going crazy
You probably won't understand me
All of this was you

"Bae-Baekhyun...? Is that really you?" Hyunjae spoke softly. He never thought he'd see Baekhyun again after the accident. He thought he was dead. "Yeah Hyunjae it's me." Baekhyun smiled. Hyunjae launched himself at the other man, wrapping his arms around him in a tight hug. "I thought you died that night! Thank God you're okay!" He cried. Baekhyun chuckled and hugged him back. "No, I didn't die. I thought the same about you but I managed to track you down." He joked. "I found out you work here so I came to pay you a visit." Hyunjae looked up at Baekhyun who smiled devilishly. "You have no idea how much I missed you."

The Night Of The Accident..."Guys come on! It's almost 3:00 a.m we have to go before the cops chase us home!" Dongyoung yelled at the other two men. "Light in up Doie! I'll just drive us." Baekhyun swung his keys around his finger. Hyunjae, who was under Baek's arm looked up at him. "No way. You are too fucking drunk. And it's pouring rain. I'll drive." Hyunjae took the keys from his friend and Dongyoung nodded in agreement. Baekhyun got into the passenger seat pouting. "Hurry we only have twenty minutes.""Hyunjae slow down! We shouldn't be driving this fast in this storm!" Dongyoung yelled from the backseat. Hyunjae turned to look at his friend but "Hyunjae look out!" He quickly slammed on the brakes causing the car to spin out of control and roll off the highway. It landed upside down and the last thing Hyunjae remembered was seeing Baekhyun's body in a crumpled heap before it all went black.

That was four years ago. Hyunjae and Dongyoung hadn't seen Baekhyun since that night, his family opting to take him to some fancy hospital. He stayed in Korea while the pair moved to America. He met many new people, including Joonwoo and started over in a new country with a new life. But Hyunjae hadn't stopped thinking about Baekhyun during that time. For four years he lived with the idea, the guilt that he had killed his best friend. Now here he is, alive and well, standing in front of him in his flower shop. Hyunjae had to keep himself from crying. "I missed you too."

"So who are the flowers for?" Hyunjae asked as he sets up the floral arrangement for Baekhyun. "My mother..." Baekhyun looked down at his hands. Hyunjae could hear the pain in his voice and looked at the flowers sadly. "Is she...?' He questioned carefully. "Dead." Baekhyun nodded. "She passed this spring." Hyunjae gave his old friend a pitiful smile. "I'm so sorry." Baekhyun shook his head. "Don't be. She died peacefully." He thinks for a moment then smiles. "Hey would you want to get some lunch and catch up?" Hyunjae nodded and smiled. "I'd love to."

"Woah! This is your car?" Hyunjae asked gawking at Baekhyun's black Tesla. Baekhyun chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "Yeah. Guess this is what having a rich family gets you." He grumbles. "Where should we go for lunch?" Hyunjae asks even though he already knows the answer. Hyunjae and Baekhyun had always loved this little Chinese restaurant that was almost hidden from the rest of the city. Baekhyun drove them to the little shop, talking about random things the whole way there. Hyunjae walked into the familiar place and smiled when the old woman behind the counter gasped. "Little Hyunjae?"

"So Hyunjae what's been going on in your life?" It was at this moment that Hyunjae remembers the previous night's events. "Well um, I moved to America after the accident and met someone. We came back to Korea to start a life together but..." Hyunjae chokes up. Baekhyun looks at him worried. "Did he hurt you?" Hyunjae shakes his head and completely breaks down. "He was murdered last night! I couldn't save him!" Baekhyun quickly hugs Hyunjae without thinking. "Shhh I've got you..." His voice is as sweet as honey, but his smile is as sinister as the Devil.

"Last night... I was already uneasy because it felt like I was followed home but I showered and was relaxed enough to go to bed." He took a deep breath. "I woke up in the middle of the night and Joonwoo was gone so I looked around the apartment and found a note from him on the table. He couldn't sleep so he went outside. His side of the bed was still warm so I figured he just left so I went out to join him." Hyunjae started to cry and Baekhyun rubbed his arms soothingly. "I found him on the ground covered in blood with a stab wound! I tried to stop the bleeding but, but-" Baekhyun quickly hugged the sobbing boy as Hyunjae buried his face in the older's chest, oblivious to the fact that he could care less.

Once Hyunjae had explained what happened and calmed down Baekhyun passed him a glass of water. He bit back a chuckle as Hyunjae drank it without question. "Don't worry Jae. I'll help you find his killer." Hyunjae nodded in thanks. "I just wished I could have done something. He didn't... deserve to... to die... Baekhyun let out a little bit of a laugh when he noticed the other male looked a little out of it. "You know..." He started casually. "I used to be in love with you... and I still am..." By now Hyunjae was struggling to keep his eyes open. "I've waited so long to make you mine."

"Is this... Him?" Chanyeol asked as he helped carry the smaller male. Baekhyun nodded. "Be careful with him..." He growled when Sehun almost dropped Hyunjae. Jongin looked at Baekhyun in shock. "Wait did I k-" "Yes." Baekhyun cut him off. Jongin looked down, not wanting to upset Baek anymore. He was ruthless when it came to this boy. Jung Hyunjae. Nobody knew why he was so special to Baekhyun but they knew to stay out of his way if they valued their lives. Once they got Hyunjae into the car Baekhyun sat next to him, gently brushing the unconscious boy's bangs out of his eyes. "Let's get you home darling."

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