2 years after the Saruto incident everyone thought Saruto was dead but little did they know that Saruto was still alive This is the adventure of Saruto Uzumaki, Part two of Saruto Boruto next generations.
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Mary: W-W-W-W-What is he?
Boa: AHHHHHH!!!!!!
Sophia: SISTER!!!!!!!
Mary SISTER!!!!!!!!!!
Boa: His demon is reacting with mine.
Saruto:-goes back to normal- -wakes up- What kinda dream did I have.
Mary: After all that happened he thinks it's a dream.
Saruto: Hey why's the all might and high lady on the ground.
Boa: A-Are you the demon king?
Saruto: Yes.
Boa: Then....
Saruto: Wait a sec you also have a demon?
Boa: Yes.
Mary: Sister shall we finish his life?!
Boa: No. I'll tell him everything. The story.
Sophia: You mean....
Boa: Yes.
Saruto: I don't get it but okay.
Boa: For 200 years this island was the land of slaves. Our ancestors were slaves and their slave owners were men, they were always told that the 5th demon king would come and save them.
Saruto: 5th?
Boa: Yes. They were expecting the 5th to come very soon but he didn't come, those men were multreating our people, maybe it was because there wasn't any man born on this island. But slowly they died and they still believed that the demon king was coming to save them. For 200 years our ancestors suffered. When the time came we were born into slavery. I didn't accept it but people told me to deal with it and I.....faced those evil men. I defeated them, so they wanted me to be the new queen. The universal gov looked at my statistics and decided to consider me supreme level. So I was put in the Supreme 4 and the Big 10.
Saruto: Ahh I see.
Boa: Actually my original goal in life was to be a scientist.
Saruto: A SCIENTIST!!!!!!!?
Boa: A Geologist.
Saruto: Geologist.....
Boa; But since I'm the most beautiful woman in the universe I don't think that would suit me.
Sophia: Why is sister opening up to this man?
Mary: She never opens up to anyone especially men.
Saruto: Then why don't you join my crew.
Boa: Don't get carried away just cause I opened up to you doesn't mean I'll join you!!
Saruto: You said you wanna be a geologist, It doesn't matter if you're the most beautiful woman.
Boa: You.......
Saruto: I'm sure my crew would want you to join.
Boa: -cries- Why're you inviting me! Don't you hate me cause I was a former slave and what I did to you?
Saruto: I have a crewmate who was a former slave too.