Chapter 1: Suddenly She Had Been Dreaming

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It's been a few months now since Camellia's adventure in Neverland. She had the most amazing time there. She thought about it every single day....Mostly Peter Pan. Every night she would look out her window to see if Peter Pan had come back to visit her. Well lately she has been having strange nightmares of Peter Pan.

"Camellia?" She heard Peter Pan's voice ask softly. "Why'd you leave me??" Peter asked with a bit of an angry but sad tone in his voice. "I NEVER should've brought you to Neverland!" He shouted at Camellia while holding a knife to her throat, making her gasp.

She is suddenly startled awake from her dream while gasping loudly in the middle of the night. "Oh...It was just a nightmare." Camellia says softly to herself before taking a deep breath. Just to make sure no one was in her room, she sits up and looks around her dark room with only a bit of light from the glowing moonlight coming in from her window. She sees no one there. She lies back down to sleep.

She looks over by her window. She sees a shadow and it moves at the end of her bed onto the floor. She sits up and looks down toward the floor at the end of her bed. She places her hands gently on the end of the bedframe while peeking over it. She sees a boy there, sitting on the floor in a fetal position with his arms wrapped around his legs with his face downward hidden behind his knees. "Boy, why you crying?" Camellia asks the boy. The startled boy looks up with his eyes widened. He flies up toward the sky, but his head hits the ceiling. She sees his face and sees it's Peter Pan! "You came back to see me!" Camellia says with excitement, with a big smile on her face. She gets up off her bed and stands beside her bed with a big smile still on her face. Peter floats back down to the floor. "I came back for only one thing..." Peter says sternly as he walks up to Camellia. He yanks the pink pouch of fairydust from her hands and throws it hard to the floor. All the fairydust scatters across the room. Camellia's mouth is slightly open with a hurtful and shocking expression on her face and in her eyes. Then she looks to see Peter quickly leaning in toward her face. "You are NEVER welcome back to Neverland ever again." He says to her with anger. Then he walks away and flies out the window in anger. Camellia chases after him, but stops at the window frame. "Peter!!" She cries out.

She is once again startled awake from a nightmare, but this time when she wakes up it's not in the middle of the night, it's morning. She's breathing heavily and is frightened by the nightmare she just had. "Why do I keep having these nightmares?" She thinks to herself. 
Ever since she returned from Neverland, she dreamt about it every single night. But she's never had these nightmares about it before.
She rubs her eyes and gets up from her bed. Since she always enjoyed writing about Peter Pan in her journal, she grabbed her journal and sat on her bed and began writing about these sudden nightmares she had about Peter Pan. She also added in some positive thoughts by writing this about Peter Pan in her journal: 
"His cuteness was mind-blowingly unbelievable. His eyes were the most gorgeous I've ever seen...They were like the most beautiful emeralds in the entire world. His voice was like the most magical sound I've ever heard. It was like music to my ears. His smile made me feel like I could melt away. Even the way he talked was the cutest thing ever, with that cute slight lisp of his. I can hardly even handle the very thought of him. The words I say about him is like not even close to describing how perfect Peter Pan is." 
She always liked to add in some positiveness whenever she wrote about something that was kind of negative.

As Camellia sits at the table eating breakfast, she's feeling even more anxious to tell somone about her amazing time in Neverland with Peter Pan. Ever since she returned from being in Neverland, she has wanted to tell someone about it, but she remained to keep it a secret to only herself. But now she's feeling this big urge to tell someone. These thoughts were driving her crazy. She can't keep all of what happened to only herself. She just has to tell someone! She just didn't really know what to do. But for Peter Pan, she will try to remain it a secret. But for how much longer?

After breakfast, she walks upstairs and goes back into her room. "Camellia?" She hears a voice whisper. It sounded as if it was right beside her. She looks around but she doesn't see anyone. "Hello?" She asks, hoping someone will answer her. Getting a little scared, she looks everywhere in her room. But there was no one there. She wipes her forehead. "Huh...I guess it was just nothing." She softly says to herself. "Camellia?" The voice whispers again. Camellia's eyes widen. "What? Who's there?!" She asks in a worried panic. She runs out of her room and bumps into someone. "Camellia? What's wrong??" Her mother asks worriedly. "I kept hearing someone whispering my name in my room!" Says Camellia, who obviously seems to be very scared. "Okay, calm down, calm down." Her mother tries to calm her down. Her mother walks into her room and looks around. She looked everywhere, even under the bed and behind the dresser. "I don't see anyone. Maybe your mind was just playing tricks on you. There's nothing to worry about!" Her mother says. Camellia nods her head. Her mother smiles as she leaves Camellia's room. As Camellia stands there in the middle of her room, she thinks about the voice that was whispering her name. She realizes that it actually sounded like.....Peter Pan's voice. While she's deep in her thoughts, she hears it again. "Camellia?"

To Be Continued...

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                                            I apologize if it's no good.

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