19- a deal with death

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 "oh, how pitiful it is for you to say that! how many times have you claimed to know that before?" i laughed, struggling to get my hands out of the grip that kept them pinned above me. 

"oh, but i have clear evidence. (y/n) (l/n), a former member of bucciaratis squad, was marked a traitor after seen running away with a briefcase of goods meant for an exchange an hour earlier. bucciarati was then forced by conduct to eliminate any traitors, and after attempting to deal with them, found he hadn't the heart to finish them off. (y/n) received extreme head trauma from the fight that led to psychopathic tendencies, resulting in the creation of their alter ego: Morte Nascosta."

the room turned silent when he finished, a kind of silence that made me want to scream in frustration. the oven wasnt whirring, the fan clicked to a stop, the wind that pounded on the doors came to a halt, and even the hum of the pipes in the ceiling ceased. all that i could hear was doppios breathing and the pounding of my own heart in my ears.

"thats a cool story, but im still not who you think i am." i lied, staring into the piercing green eyes that bored holes into my skull. "-and im beginning to believe that youre not who i think you are either..."

"you arent in the position to doubt me, (y/n). ill be getting rid of you quickly, right after you explain all your secrets and everything youve hid."

"oh, but dont i have a right to question you? doppio has not green eyes, or a menacingly deep voice. also, he's a bit scrawnier than what you present yourself as, and im almost sure he was shorter than me. so, who is it exactly that im talking to?"

doppio, or rather, whoever was talking to me, scowled as they tightened their grip on my hands. "who i am isnt going to matter if youre dead."

"oh~ but isnt it strange?"

he narrowed his eyes at me. "what's strange?"

"how the bosses 'right-hand man' is possessed by someone of unknown origin? ive met almost every person in passione by either researching them or taking them out, save for the elite guard and bucciaratis crew. doppio wouldnt allow just any person, or presumably stand user for that matter, take hold of his body without a fight, and he wouldve warned me if that did happen."

tilting my head,  i watched as doppios face slowly got more defined and chiseled, hair growing and adopting some dark spots here and there. it seems i was right to assume i wasnt talking to the doppio i knew. "so, i guess ill be the first to say... its nice to finally meet you, boss!"

it was delightful to see this now fully grown man losing his absolute shit over my discovery, screaming and yelling as he rammed my hands repeatedly against the vent above me, making me wonder if he was meaning to break them. 

"you're too calculated for your own good! you shouldve never found this out, and for that, ill have to bid you a final farewell! see you in-"

"pause right there, big boy." i chuckled. "im sure we can make a deal, yes? no one else knows of your identity, and because we both feel threatened from the one figuring the other out, how about we make a truce?"

"a truce, you say? you mean you wish to order me around?"

"of course not! let me finish explaining... since we both hold the knowledge of who the other is, wouldnt it be wise to side with each other? if i were to ever tell anyone who you are, you'd almost know immediately. the same is with myself. so, how about we be friends? whaddya say?"

he seemed hesitant to agree, prompting me to push forward with my proposal. "im probably the only person you can trust in this moment. you know how well i can lie and deceive to avoid the truth, yes? ill do the same to keep your identity hidden. all i request is that you keep my name away from mortes, and that doppio stays out of harms way."

How to Hide a Body (doppio x killer!gn!reader)Where stories live. Discover now