Part 8

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The car we're in is too fancy. Too rich, at least. I can barely feel the world pass beneath us and I can barely hear the world outside. My leg bouncing is the only movement in the entire car.

Vision sits next to me and is surprisingly calming to be next too even though I had been freaking out earlier. Suddenly something dawns on me and I quickly glance from Stark to Vision.

"I have a stupid question," I say, grabbing the attention of the other three in the car. "What is your question?" Vision speaks up before Stark can. "If everything I heard about the stuff going on with the avengers is correct, your basically Stark's son, and with the stuff, you said earlier, I'm basically your sibling." I spit out, speaking considerably quickly for someone who expects an answer.

Vision turns to look at Stark as if he has the answer and Stark shrugs. "Technically yes. If you were to go by the technicality that I am Stark's creation, and then go by the technicality that you are a creation also made by Stark, you would technically be my sibling." He explains.

I squint my eyes at him for a second before giving up on my train of thought and shrugging. "Seems legit." I say quickly before turning to look out the window. I can slightly hear them muttering amongst themselves but that isn't my current worry. We've been driving for a while, and if we're going where I think we're going, I'm about to meet a whole lot of people.


As the car pulls up, I watch as the door opens. This is not what I expected, but then again I wasn't quite sure what I expected. I expected; a large number of people, probably heroes, and I didn't really expect anything past that.

"Welcome to the Avenger's Compound," Stark says before beginning to get out of the car. Vision doesn't even try to go through the car door, instead phasing through the car entirely. It makes me wonder, If I'm supposedly a full robot thing, and I have a stone thing, can I do the phasing through stuff thing that vision does? I don't dare try and end up embarrassing myself, so I go through the door normally along with the lady.

"So, full introductions before we get inside, because it's going to be hectic once we get inside. You already know who I am. Vision is Vision, not that hard to understand. This lovely lady is Pepper Potts, technically your mother." He says with a wink only to get lightly smacked by Ms.Potts.

"He's joking. Kind of." Ms. Potts says before shaking her head with a light laugh. I take that as a good sign before looking ahead of us. A large building, and from the sound of it, a large hectic environment. Feeling a sense of nervousness, I reach out and find myself holding onto Vision's hand. 

He looks down at me, his head tilted at an angle like a confused animal as his eyes shift. I can feel him analyzing the situation but I have no idea what conclusion he's going to come to. Suddenly I watch as the edges of his lips tug up in a soft smile, and he gives my hand a reassuring squeeze.

We follow behind Stark and Ms. Potts as we enter, them hustling me past a bunch of security protocols. "Should you guys be doing that?" I ask quietly as I watch them move me past. "Probably not, but I haven't really made your profile to be recognized by, so..." Stark says before dragging his last word and continuing to walk.

Suddenly I can hear sound from further down that area we're in. Not too much sound, but definitely an interesting amount that suggests an interesting amount of people. When I can feel myself begin to pick apart the voices and actually try to identify the number, I bring up my left hand and thunk at my head lightly. That seems to do it because all of the interfaces that had begun popping up begin to fade out.

Even though it seems to have calmed down, the whirring sound from behind my head is steadily increasing. Vision doesn't whirr, I wonder if I'm older technology. I mean, I probably am since he was created not too long ago and is probably the age of an infant. Then again, he also has the workings of an AI that supposedly served Stark for many years, so who knows.

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