Part 10

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We sit on the couch together, her glancing from me to the others in the room as I stare out the window.

"So what you're saying, is that your parents and Idaho's late parents, were Hydra." Captain America voices from where he's sitting in a chair.

"Kind of." Bella responds, twirling one of her hair strands in her fingers. "They're Hydra Followers, but not fully Hydra I don't think. Their parents and grandparents were Hydra though. That's the most I could understand from the stuff I found." She says, taking moments inbetween her sentences to think over her wording.

There's silence, and I take the moment to speak up. "What even is Hydra?" I voice, turning back from watching her to look out the window again. The tenseness that follows gives me more answers then their silence. 

"You could call them a terrorist group-" Captain America doesn't get through his statement before Mr. Stark interrupts. "More like a cult." I nod before turning to Wanda. Ever since this conversation started, she'd been distancing herself from it. 

She must've felt my eyes on her, because in this instance she turns and meets my gaze. I had expected to see cold eyes, or the eyes of someone who wasn't quite focusing on the here and now. Instead I was met with the eyes of someone who was angry.

"So why were you and Idaho in their custody." She asks simply. I shrug but Bell's side glance makes me stop. "Idaho's a stolen project. I'm guessing you already know that." She mutters as I make eye contact with her.

I was hoping that I might've been stolen, and then offered up to my parents with no information. That maybe this was just a misunderstanding on their part, but something tells me that I had never believed that since I found out the truth.

"And you?" Wanda asks. I had looked down at my fingers as I picked at them but now the question raised my curiosity.  What was Bella? How did she do all that door stuff? Why did she turn kinda red?

"I'm from space. I think...-" She silent for a second, moving from twirling her hair in her fingers to pulling on it lightly. "- the writings I found weren't the most descriptive. Some small species had been on Earth for a little bit, and had joined sides with Hydra. I have no idea about much from there, but I was taken forcefully from an agent and one of the species." 

"Why? If they were allies, then surely they wouldn't need to do something like that." Someone speaks up.

"I think the species was dwindling, or going back to space? I'm not sure. Something was wrong and problems were rising. I was marked as a subject, something was wrong in negotiations or something. Like I said, I just don't know." She says, this time speeding through her words in a rush of information.

"Are the notes you found still there? Can you do the door thing again and go get them?" Captain America voices. Bella seems about to respond when someone else cuts him off. "Hold your horses Cap, from what we've got that might not be a good idea." Mr. Stark says.

I think before nodding as well. Bella doesn't seem to really understand her powers, and who knows how much energy she uses up each time. And what if her parents are home and see that, or find her looking at the notes and know that she knows.

"Her parents might be home. Or they might be on their way, what if they find her reading the notes? They'd know that she knows." I mutter out of my thoughts. Looking up I see Mr. Stark nodding along with my thoughts.

"Where are her parents at the moment anyways?" Natasha speaks up.

Everyone turns back to looking at Bella. "They said they were going somewhere. Somewhere that had something to do with here I think, because they got ready to leave the moment the phone picked up the phone near Idaho." Bella voices.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2021 ⏰

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