Hello Hello? (1)

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I woke up with a start. Sweat still dripping down my neck as I clenched the covers in my tight fists. Now that I was up, I couldn't remember the nightmare, all I could tell was that it must have scared me real bad. This had been happening for months now. Waking up covered in sweat, not able to remember my dreams. I slowly shifted of the bed, careful not to press down to hard or else it'll creak. I slowly walked over to the door. I put my hand on the nob and slowly turned it, then pulled the door out of its casing. It made a small sound but not enough to wake anyone. I walked down the hallway, careful not to step on any of the creaky floorboards I had come to know so well.

As I turned the corner to walk into the living room, I heard a creak and a "Idaho?" emit from somewhere behind me. There standing in a sleepy way, was my mom, dressed up in a red and white striped shirt and some loose shorts. "Idaho what are you doing up so late?" She asked as she stepped up to me, her curly black hair bouncing with each step. "I was just getting a cup of milk" I replied, trying my best to cover up my lies. "Well when your finished, go back to bed, ok, you've got a long week ahead of you with your new school." She said as she tried her best to brush a curl of hair out her face. "Ok mom" I said, as I watched the bouncy black curl fall directly into her face again. I walked over to the fridge, got the milk carton out, and poured a cup. My mom stayed back and watched me for a bit, before walking off into her room for bed. I chugged the milk, left the cup on the counter, and slipped out the back door.

I walked out to a little pond that sits in the middle of the forest behind my house. I gaze at my reflection. I had inherited the hair of my dad. It was light brown, and looked almost black in the dark. Even with the hair color, I also inherited my mother's hair style, long and naturally curly. I pulled on one and watched as it sprung back up in a lively manner. I looked deeper into my reflection and watched as tears from my face dripped into the little pond. My dad had died in a car accident, when I was 7. He had just called us on his way out his job, talking about how he said he could smell my mom's cooking through the phone. He had hung up later and not even an hour after, we got the bad news. He had been crashed into by someone who then proceeded to flee the scene. The person was found a month later, but at a cost, she had killed five of some of the cops best shooters and got captured when she tried to scale the apartment she was in to get out of the fight. She got locked up, but still I felt like the justice wasn't really dealt, but my mom seemed pleased.

I got up from my place at the pond and walked around its edge towards a stone embedded in middle of the ground, a little bit off from the pond. I let my fingers drift over the cool stone as they brushed away the moss on top of it. There in the stone, was a symbol. I didn't know what it meant, but I had found it a year before my dad died. I thought nothing of it back then, but now whenever I wasn't occupied, my brain drifted back to it, to study it, and try to make sense of the carved in symbol. But no matter how I described it, no one ever knew what it was from. It was in the shape of a crescent moon, with a small diamond like stones stuck to the middle of it. There seemed to be writing all along it, but they were to messy for me to tell what it said. I slowly got up from my crouch, letting my fingers drift along the image before standing up fully and entering the kitchen. I put the cup in the sink and walked back to my bedroom. With some effort, I sunk into bed and finally fell asleep to the sound of a phone going off somewhere, and someone with a calm tone answering it with a "hello, hello?". With that my eye lids closed and my brain shut off. It was time to rest.

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