54. Note

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Hello dearest readers,

I've been working on the next update today but I'm finding it too hard to concentrate because this week is a crucial week for me at work. It's my company and writing related, so it's the 37% to the 63% of my dedication to the actual art of writing so it's still incredibly important. 😂

I don't want to rush my update as this story means so much to me plus above all else, I want to enjoy writing it so I'm going to be admitting a temporary defeat for my head space. It's just too clouded with other urgent things for me to get my emotions right enough to do this crucial arc the justice it deserves.

I'm going to ensure to handle things within the next few days and then my heart can calm down enough to concentrate.

Thanks for your time and dedication to this story. When I started it I never expected it would run this long. Jeesh. I am having a blast though and I appreciate you all for your love and appreciation. See you soon. ♥️ 

Winter Wind (YiZhan)Where stories live. Discover now