28. Plight

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Xiao Zhan flicks the faucet's handle open, and allows the water to run.

He is standing before the sink's mirror, and about to commence his preparations to return to Shanghai. However he cannot help but gaze at his face with concern.

He looks exhausted, courtesy of the barely three hours of sleep that he was able to get, so it is his hope that perhaps he can catch some extra rest on the flight. His filming schedule for the day begins later in the afternoon, so this rest is crucial for a prime physical state.

His current emotional state however, is something that he doesn't even know how to tackle.

He feels scraped raw, courtesy of Yibo and his one hope is that he can at least draw from this exposed depth when the cameras start rolling later on.

He can still almost feel Yibo's face buried in his neck; his warm breath and the swirl of his sweet and smoky scent. The lock of Yibo's arms around his waist and the ethereal thrill of his body pressed so intimately against Xiao Zhan's. It's been only six hours since he has last seen him, but yet it feels like forever.

At the start of the previous evening he had been resigned to the sour fact that Yibo was on a date with someone else, but at the end of it he had been downright ready to sign his soul off to him.

I should have kissed him.

The lament runs through his head

In that moment when Yibo had turned around for one last look, he should have gone to him. And pulled him into his arms. Slipped his tongue into his mouth and drawn out one last dose of his intoxicating taste.

Fuck he curses.

Perhaps if he had, he would have been somewhat sated enough to sleep, rather than turn from side to side as he burned with longing and desire for Wang Yibo.

The kiss would have been the punctuation that he now realizes that their evening together needed because currently, everything just feels gratingly open ended.

When next is he going to see Yibo? And when next is he going to have him in his arms? And most importantly, what will his response to him be?"

Xiao Zhan sighs, his hands gripping the edge of the sink to support his droopy posture.

This is the state he remains in until his father's voice suddenly cuts through his haze.

"I'm going to send you our water bill this month," his clear voice boomed.

At first, Xiao Zhan is startled by his sudden appearance in his doorway, but soon his words register and he moves to shut the tap off.

His smile is sheepish at his absent mindedness as he returns his gaze to his father.

"When is your flight?" His father asks.

"9:10 am," Xiao Zhan replies and grabs his toothbrush.

"Alright," his father says and watches as he smears some toothpaste over the dark blue bristles.

He then sends his father an expectant look just before he puts the tooth brush in his mouth, knowing that he has something to say.

He wonders what it is about, and hopes that it has nothing to do with him and Yibo.

They had pushed every boundary of propriety the previous evening, what with his parents being in the vicinity but them unable to keep their hands off each other. He would have liked to be wholly convinced that he was perfectly discrete, but he knows that there is a high chance that this was not the case.

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