75. Grey

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Ten minutes later, Xiao Zhan has a hand over Yibo's mouth and his arm wrapped around his waist.

He is fucking him... hard and fast.

And then he slows... his knees bending and his hand moving down to Yibo's groin... splaying and holding his hips in place as he rocks into him. He can feel Yibo's frame become more and more limp in his hold, mind in shambles, eyes rolling into the back of his head, and his moan, an endless though patchy, breathy hum, quivering with the exertion of his engaged body.

Xiao Zhan isn't any less affected, equally as discomposed at the battering pleasure, especially as he watches them both with leadened eyelids through the expansive bathroom mirror.

The plan had not been to oblige Yibo, but once again, Yibo had wheedled what he wanted out of him.

It'd gone like this: he'd returned to the house to find Nini waiting on the kitchen stool, and Yibo by the refrigerator, pulling the groceries out of the bag."

Xiao Zhan had proceeded to ask her to stay for dinner since Yibo had 'agreed', and her eyes had slightly widened in surprise.

Yibo had turned to her then with a gentle smile on his face. "We're making fried rice."

Xiao Zhan's heart had skipped several beats, falling just a little more in love with him again at the support, albeit Yibo's disinclination.

Nini had thus relaxed and accepted the offer, and Xiao Zhan had gone over to inspect what Yibo had purchased.

He'd been amused because Yibo had simply purchased most of the ingredients pre-cooked, but before he could relay a gibe at this, his gaze had settled on the jar amidst it all.

Yibo had turned to him, eyes darkened and earnest with lust, and then he'd taken the jar along with him.

Xiao Zhan could do nothing but watch him leave, his heart thundering wild in his chest, and arousal hearing up his blood like oil.

"Excuse me," he'd then said to Nini before he could stop himself. "I'll be right back."

He still hadn't given in. Was just curious. 🙄

And so a few seconds later, he'd walked into the bathroom to see Yibo twisting the jar open.

Their gazes had met through the mirror, but neither said a word.

Soon, the jar was opened, and Yibo had made quick work of his pants. He'd pulled yet another one of Xiao Zhan's briefs down to bunch around his thighs, thus exposing his already hardened cock and the alluring curve of his ass.

Xiao Zhan had been automatically mesmerized, but still decently unfazed.

"She'll hear us," Xiao Zhan had warned him.

"Then gag me," Yibo had said, his tone stern and unamused.

But Xiao Zhan had remained tickled, until Yibo had begun to coat his two middle fingers with the slick oil.

Then with his gaze on Xiao Zhan's through the mirror, and with one hand pulling an ass cheek aside, he'd sent them behind to coax himself open.

Yibo's eyes had slightly widened and then narrowed, as he'd penetrated himself and Xiao Zhan had subsequently lost the ability to breathe.

Yibo's fingers had then began to thrust... in and out... the sensuality pulling a gasp from his parted lips and fluttering his eye lids nearly shut.

Xiao Zhan had turned around then, and twisted the door's lock in place.

Still, he hadn't moved, proceeding solely to lean against the door to watch, his arms folded across his chest.

Yibo had reacted to his adamance with a smile, his head slightly tipping backwards as another low moan had escaped him.

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