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(Techno pov five days later.)

'Where the hell is Theseus?!' I pushed my axe up against Dreams neck.
'Like I'd tell you. Since when did you care about him. He's already betrayed you once. Why should you trust him.'
I turned to tubbo. He still didn't know. Maybe he should find out now.
'Cause he's my son.' I heard tubbo gasp behind me. I knew he would find out someday.
'He thinks you left him. And he came to me it's his fault.'
'I got kidnapped by your goon of course he thinks I left him!'
I pushed the axe closer.
'Still not working.'
I pushed the axe further watching some blood drip down.
'Fine fine I'll take you to him.'
I lowered my axe letting him catch a break. I made sure tubbo was behind me so dream wouldn't get him. We started walking to find Theseus.
'So Tommy's your son.?'
'His names Theseus and yes.'
'Does he know?'
'Yes he knows. He found out after I rescued him from exile.'
'After he nearly died.?'
I watched as a dream went down into a hole. I got out my sword giving it to tubbo. I had to be careful now. We finally got to the bottom.
'Theseus!' I looked around trying to find him. Where was he.
'Dream..' I turned around. That was definitely Theseus.
'Dad..' I ran over to where I heard he was. The door was locked but it was clear he was in there.
'Open this door now!'
Dream just stood there taking in the site of me pleading for him to open the door.
'Open the goddamn door!'
I realised he wasn't going to do it so I kicked the door open. I rushed forward seeing Theseus on the floor. He looked terrified. I went closer kneeling down infront of him. I noticed that he had been beaten up.
'God Theseus..' I carefully sat him up trying not to make him uncomfortable.
'What did he do to you my little warrior.'
I held him close feeling him flinch under my grasp.
'Does that hurt?'
'He broke my rib. It still hurts..'
'He did what?!'
'He broke my rib I think it was a while ago. I can't remember how long it's been..'
I looked behind to see dream on the floor. Tubbo had his sword out.
'Tubbo what's going on.'
'He hurt tommy. He deserved it.'
I couldn't disagree there but I would've like to kill dream myself.
'Dad I can't-I can't..'
I looked back forward seeing tommy unconscious in my arms. I stood up holding tommy close to my chest. Not wanting to let him go again.
'Let's go. Puffy can help him with his wounds. She's trustworthy to me at the moment.'

(Puffys pov)

I sat in my house doing some tidying before I went out to see Sam. He apparently had a surprise for me. That's when I heard a knock at the door. I can't remember having anyone around today. I climbed down my ladder and opened my door to see techno, tubbo and a unconscious tommy.
'Don't even ask Puffy. We just need you help.'
I looked down at tommy noticing how badly hurt he was.
'Come in.' I watched them all go upstairs leaving there weapons downstairs. I went upstairs.
'So what happened?'
'Dream kidnapped tommy after he got Sapnap to kidnap me and techno.'
I looked at them. They couldn't have been telling the truth. My little duckling would never harm someone.
'Are you sure?'
'Well I'm pretty sure as dream took us to where Theseus was and his past history shows it's him.'
I got out some health pots and healing pots spreading them out on my table.
'What about his history?'
'Don't you know Puffy?' I shook my head wondering what they were getting at.
'Dream nearly drove Theseus to commit during exile.' I froze.
I looked at tommy. I couldn't imagine that dream would ever hurt him. I noticed he started to wake up. I sat next to him opening the healing pots.
'No..dream..' He started mumbling. Techno was telling the truth. My little duckling had hurt tommy. Techno stepped forward taking tommy by the hand.
'Theseus it's ok.'
I moved out the way letting techno to go nearer. That's when I saw something on Tommy's arm. I rolled up his sleeve exposing a mark. It was a smiley face just like Dreams mask.
'Techno look.'
I watched him look at the mark.
'Theseus what happened?'
Tommy slowly lifted up his arm looking at the mark.
'Dream did that the first day in that room he..he did something to me I could hardly move..he wouldn't let me..'
'It's ok. You don't have to tell us anymore We understand.'
I turned around to find out that tubbo had left. I looked out my window seeing him running off.
'I'll be back techno.'

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