{Josie meets the new CEO}

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May 26 2010

Tony didn't come back home until the afternoon the next day, so Josie was left with J.A.R.V.I.S as her babysitter. Not that she really minded, she liked talking to J.A.R.V.I.S, just asking him random questions and seeing if she could catch him out and ask him a question he didn't know the answer to (it never worked). All day, she wandered around, without so much as a phone call from Tony. The idea came to her that maybe she should pretend she wasn't in when he came back, but she quickly realized that was a bit cruel. So, right now, when she hears the car pull up outside, she settles for just going into his workshop and acting like she's been hanging out there all day. Knowing there's been an unsupervised eight-year-old in his workshop all day will be enough to put him off leaving her home alone for so long ever again.

"Jellybean! I'm home!", Tony calls, as he walks through the front door. Josie doesn't reply, just knocks some stuff off his desk, causing a loud clattering noise, "Jellybean?", he rushes to the lab.

"Nice of you to come back home, finally.", she says, raising her eyebrows.

"Sorry, I had to go to court.", he says, casually, "Have you been wrecking my lab?", he asks, looking at the spanners and screws she's tossed all over the floor.

"Yeah. I smashed everything.", she lies.

He rolls his eyes, "Maybe don't do that again."

"Maybe don't leave me home alone for two days again."

"One and a half.", he corrects.

"Why were you even in court?", she asks.

He walks over to pour himself some chlorophyll, "They were trying to take my suits. They can't, obviously, but they wanted to."

"What? Why?", she's suddenly very interested.

"Because they think I could present a threat, they even roped Rhodey in to prove their point. Still didn't work, the 'weapons expert' they brought in was Justin Hammer, so that was quite an easy win."

Josie pulls a face at the mention of Justin, she's had more interactions with him than she'd like. From award ceremonies to fancy restaurants, he was always there. That might be the one upside to Tony not letting her be seen in public, she doesn't have to ever see him again.

"Justin Hammer? Now I'm glad I wasn't there."

"You missed me that much?", he chuckles.


"Good, because Pepper and I are going to Monaco tomorrow."

She turns very serious, "No you're not. Not without me, you're not."

"Uh, I'm the adult, I say who gets to go on holiday and who doesn't."

"I refuse to be babysat by a robot ever again. J.A.R.V.I.S can't really stop people from breaking in or anything.", she reasons.

"He can call me and the police.", he says.

"You're in Europe, by the time you get here, I'll be kidnapped. And do you really want a bunch of random police officers coming into your home and seeing me? That is if they get here before kidnapped, is that what you want?", she asks, half-joking.

He narrows his eyes at her, "You really know how to tug on my heartstrings, don't you?"

"Well, I think everyone would rather not have their child kidnapped. So, can I come?"

"Let me think about that. Hm.", he doesn't pause to think, "Still a no."

At that moment, Pepper bursts in, "Is this a joke? What are you thinking?"

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