It All Starts Here, Yet It's Chapter #2

250 4 3

1700 hours

Erica Hale's House

June 7th

Erica's POV:

I just got back from a mission in Saudi Arabia, taking down some drug ring. Then it occurred to me that I had 729 texts from ben. I had been so tied up in my missions, I hadn't been checking the chat. Every day Ben sent some nice video or joke or something like "How are you?" or "I hope you're okay!" I immediately felt guilty. The last one said "Oh well. I guess you forgot about me. I just want you to know I love you!" That was from yesterday. I started to sniffle and sat down, crying softly.

After a while, I got up and started thinking. I decided to call mom (Catherine Hale). She always wanted us together.

(This is the phone call.)

Erica: Hey mom!

Catherine: Yes dear?

Erica: I need some advice.

Catherine: Really? Is it about boooys?

Erica: NO, Yes, Maybe.

Catherine: That's a yes. Is it Ben?

Erica: Yes No, Was it really that obvious?

Catherine: Well kind of. Everyone knows you like him!

Erica: Mooom! (Blushing

Catherine: I believe this is how you Americans say it. Whatever.

Erica: Moving on... I don't know how to talk to Ben. He's sent me texts for 2 years! 

Catherine: Just go upfront about how you like him. He is hot you know.

Erica: Mom! Please don't talk about my friends like that.

Catherine: But it's true!

Erica: Moving on...

Catherine: You can tell him how you fell at his graduation tomorrow. 

Erica: He's graduating tomorrow? He's 13!

Catherine: Honey, He's 18 and turning 19 soon.

Erica: Is he! It seems like yesterday that we defeated SPYDER!

Catherine: Do you want me to come? We can watch movies and eat at a restaurant?

Erica: Sure! I'll be waiting!

Catherine: I'll see you later!

Erica: Bye!

(Call Ended)

I went to get ready, and in 15 minutes, mom arrived. We watched James Bond and Mission Impossible. Then we went out and ate at a fancy Italian restaurant and had gelato. Mom  and I went shopping, and we got tons of clothes, and even new spysuits.

After, we watched some more movies, and then binge watched some shows. After that  mom went back to the British Embassy, and I went to sleep.

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