Um, hi?

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Hey guys! Now we're starting to get to the good parts. Btw, I welcome ideas and constructive criticism for all of the chapters!

1000 hours

Erica Hale's house

June 8th, 2020

Erica's POV:

Normally I don't sleep in, but I got too excited and nervous, so I overslept. I took a few weeks off, so I had nothing to do. After I had a breakfast of- you guessed it, salad, I went to the closet and turned the thermometer to 87 degrees, then 62, then 95, and my secret closet opened up. The only people who knew about this were grandpa, Mom, and me. I di my daily routine, shot 200 bullseyes per gun, four guns, blindfolded, and while completing an obstacle course. Too easy. 

I stopped at 1:00 since I was going to have lunch. Since it was a special day, I decided to eat at a restaurant. I had some pasta and another salad. Then I just wandered around and got Ben a graduation present, as he did to me, 2 years ago.

At 1300 hours, I went back to my house and started to get ready. I wore black High heels, a white crop top, and slim jeans. 


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At 1330 hours, I went to pack Ben's graduation gift, and then I went to his graduation. I arrived 5 minutes late and sat down in the middle row, where he could see me. Some person from the top brass was giving a long speech, and then finally, Ben came on the stage. No one but me could see that he was nervous, but he was doing great, then he seemed to see me. He smiled wider and looked brighter. (LOL accident poetic line) After he finished his speech, I went backstage. 

Mike and Zoe and Ben were walking towards me, talking and congratulating each other. Zoe was the first to see me. Her eyes widened to the size of dinner plates, and that was probably because 1, I rarely wear what I am when we are not on a mission, and 2, I came. she poked mike, and his eyes widened too. He poked Ben, and when Ben saw me, he fell backward. Great. He fainted. Good first impression. When he came to 10 seconds later, It took him2 seconds to figure out what happened. His eyes became the size of my car tires, and he ran over to me.

Ben's POV: 

I was walking backstage, and I completely forgot about Erica with all of the excitement, and I was walking with Mike and Zoe. All of a sudden, Zoe's eyes widened to the size of dinner plates, and then Mike. Mike poked me and when I looked to where he was pointing, I saw Erica. She was really hot. I looked at her for exactly 0.0021 of a second and then fainted. The last thought I had was; Great first impression Ben.

Spy School: After GraduationWhere stories live. Discover now