Chapter 2

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15 minutes later she was still replaying the scene in her head as the train reached the station. Grace gathered her things and started to make her way off the train when she felt a pair of eyes piercing threw he neck slowly she turned around and made eye contact with the starer. Draco Malfoy. She looked at him for a bit returning the cold stare and made a decision on how to move forward from this. Grace raised her eyebrow slightly and a sly smirk forming in the corner of her mouth she winked at him threw her light brown hair over her shoulder as she turned on her heel and strutted away. 

On the way up to the castle Grace's mind was over run with thoughts. How could she be so careless?  Grace knew for a fact that she couldn't draw attention to herself due to the plan. If that went wrong then her family name would be ruined, and she new for her sake that couldn't happen. She had her life planned out World Domination . No not like The Dark Lord, more like have strings attached to everyone which she could pull whenever she needed something, strings that can drive people to do crazy things in order to please. 

She was ambitious to say the least, people always asked why she was in Slytherin because she was quite most of the time but truth be told was that she hated everyone in the school every whisper every snicker she heard in the halls drove her mad, there's a reason she was so quite. Nobody plans murder aloud and gets away with it.

When Grace was young she had been taken to Death Eater meetings she had always stood in the background never making a noise The Dark Lord had always favoured her from a young age and taught her every thing he knew about ways to get her way with things. Her favourite bit of advice was when your loud you turn heads, by turning heads people begin to notice you and the things you do. Lie silently in the shadows and be an underdog. Grace found her thoughts wondering to them meetings where he who must not be named became a mentor figure to her, helping achieve her goals. 

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