The Deal

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After running to hand in his science homework after his final lesson Gabe, exhausted from the sprint was now walking at a slow pace through the grounds of his school admiring the bountiful nature of the area. His short but wavy brown hair and pure brown eyes blended in with the bark of the trees around him as he walked, under his feet tiny rocks slid making a grainy sound and the air slid past his ears making it hard to hear the soon coming danger. As he was walking Gabe heard a rustle coming from somewhere within the bushes however he dismissed it as being a squirrel and carried on walking. Suddenly out of the bush he had thought nothing of came 3 guys seemingly the same age as him but much stronger looking. The 3 surrounded him, soon Gabe recognised them... First, the most prominent out of the group was Eric, the lead player on the year 13 rugby team. His hair was a brown similar to Gabe's but his eyes shone a bright blue, as could be expected from a lead rugby player he had a incredibly strong and sturdy body suitable for taking people down if they stood in his way. Second was Henry who was also a player on the rugby team however he was a bit shorter than Gabe though his strength could more than make up for it, he had dirty blonde hair and olive eyes that seemed to be filled with ill intent. Last was James, he wasn't on the rugby team however he had the kick of a thousand horses which suited his dark brown eyes and brown man bun, some people had even called him the nut cracker due to, previous incidents... Together the three formed a group of bullies known for taking things 5 steps too far...

Together the 3 bullies grabbed Gabe and dragged him through the bush of which they emerged from and through a hidden door that led to an abandoned room likely forgotten about years ago. Eric using only a fraction of his strength tied Gabe's hands behind his back and then put him back down on the ice cold floor... "W-why are you doing this?!" Gabe shouted towards Eric, "well you see we've been wanting to mess with you since year 9 mate! but you've always been with those annoying friends of yours... Since you were alone we thought we'd take this opportunity to have a little, fun." Gabe began to speak however his sentence was cut short by a violent yank to the back of his boxers stretching them all the way up to his armpits. "Pretty strong pants you're wearing, why don't we test their strength?" Before he could say anything, again Gabe's boxers where pulled firmly upwards wedging them tightly between his cheeks, this was followed by 10 more yanks by each member of the group for a total of 30. "Can you stop! I need to get to my bus!" Gabe screamed. "But isn't it a Friday today, don't you have anything going on this weekend?" Henry questioned. Slowly Gabe began to realise what they meant, "NO! If you take me to your house my mum will know something's wrong and she'll contact the police! So let me go NOW!" James began rummaging through Gabe's bag and found his phone, "tell us the password..." "why would I do that!?" Gabe responded. "Because if you don't we'll strip you down to nothing and dangle you from a tree for everyone to see, your choice..." Eric said with a sadistic smirk, Gabe went silent and with a defeated tone began to reveal his password, "7.. 1... 9... 5.. 6... 7..." using Gabe's phone James texted Gabe's mum saying "I'm having a sleepover at William's house this weekend, I grabbed my stuff this morning. See you on Sunday!"

An air of silence filled the room as the text was sent, Eric began whispering to James and Henry. Suddenly all at once they approached Gabe, as they were about to grab hold of Gabe's boxers Gabe sprinted towards the door undoing the sloppy knot that Eric tied, effortlessly and tucking his pants into his trousers, when he reached the door Gabe tried to open it but before he could twist the handle completely the waistband of his pants was grabbed  by Eric and he was raised a foot above the ground almost causing Gabe to scream in agony. "Trying to escape are we mate? I think you need to learn a lesson..." Eric began laughing in anticipation of what he was about to say and do. Eric with the help of James who was taller than him hooked Gabe's boxers on an old coat hanger making sure not to stretch them too much and suddenly let go, Gabe fell downwards until his descent was halted by his boxers causing Gabe to scream in agony. His boxers where now stretched to his head and seemingly on the verge of ripping. Eric began to speak again in a sinister tone after laughing maniacally at Gabe's suffering, "I've decided we should change this deal we made, it will be fun for the weekend but what about next weekend and the weekend after that? Every Friday evening after school come to my house to stay for the weekend and we'll have some fun! If you don't turn up even just for a day though we'll humiliate you so much that you won't be able to show your face in any school ever again... So do you want to be tied naked to a tree or do we have a deal?" Gabe, now regretting attempting to escape made the hard choice of accepting the deal sealing his fate for the next who knows how long of life. 

Proud of their success the 3 Bullies reminded Gabe of the consequences of breaking the deal and followed closely behind him to avoid suspicion as he made his way towards Eric's house.

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