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violet observed the bustling set. a large green screen covered a vast area of the wall. faint yells of "sound check!" could be heard above the overall din. there was a buzz of electricity in the air as everyone got into place.

shooting had started at the crack of dawn this morning and violet had been on a couple scenes. being tyler's best friend she was allowed to survey what was going on and chat with fellow cast members. they were incredibly nice, holland was the sweetest, daniel could make any laugh and tyler hoechlin had an uncanny ability to sneak up on people. she liked everyone. well everyone except dylan o'brien.

so far her attempts at avoiding him had been going surprisingly well. dodging off set at the site of any flash of brown hair. fast walking to her car at the end of the day as she dragged jasmine behind her. deep down she knew it couldn't last forever, she'd have to face him at one point.

there was no real reason for her dislike of dylan. she just had a weird gut feeling and the blond trusted her gut more than she cared to admit. she found him overrated though she had yet to actually see him act on set. that is, until now.

"hey ty!" the brunette boy spun around at the sound of his friends voice. "can i look at your script for a sec?" she asked. he nodded and threw it her way before turning back around and engaging into a deep conversation with jeff davis.

violet shuffled in her seat which read TYLER POSEY along the back in bold lettering. jasmine was in a similar one beside her, but hers read CRYSTAL REED. the girl had her head buried in her phone and her headphones plugged in as she blasted some arctic monkeys song so loud violet could almost hear it herself.

the blonds eyes skimmed and scanned along today's script, picking out key info. interesting episode. finally they rested on a 6 letter word. it was wittten in bold and seemed to leap off the page to lear in her face. stiles.

shit! she thought dropping the script and springing up from her chair. jasmine glanced at her with raised eyebrows and removed an earbud. "problem?"

violet had already started packing up her belongings, hastily stuffing her jumper in her bag. she didn't have any more scenes to shoot and she had just been watching to observe tyler but now she knew he would be coming, the girl wanted to get away as fast as possible.

"hello? earth to vi!" jasmine waved a hand in violets face, having not gotten a reply yet.

"dylan's coming,"

jasmine chuckled and popped her headphone back into her ear. she found her friend's determination and rivalry entertaining. the girl knew violet was the type to hold grudges and dislike people for no logical reason, it was just how she was and dylan was no different.

"come on!" violet whisper-yelled. "i don't want to be around when he comes ba-"

too late.

"is that THE violet wells?"

guess who's back 😛
missed y'all especially arrogantgod nasalush mqripcsas _CORPSEHUSBAND- slutblues

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2021 ⏰

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𝙑𝙄𝙊𝙇𝙀𝙏! ( dylan o'brien ) discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now