Trouble on Teth

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          We safely made it onto the brown, stone floor of the courtyard. The palace seemed even more monstrous up close. The music also got a lot louder.

"There must be a cantina in here if they're playing the music this loudly. We should start our investigating there," I said.

"Smart move, Kane," responded Ahsoka. "Where there's a cantina, there's bound to be drunks. They'll give us all the information we could hope for."

We made our way to the entrance. There were two Gamorrean guards standing to the sides of the large door. As we got closer, they moved their large axes to block off the entrance.

"I'll take care of these pigs," Ahsoka exclaimed confidently.

She walked up to them and asked if she could be let through. She told them that she was a dancer from another planet and was sent here by the Hutt in charge to perform for him. They looked at each other for a second and lifted their weapons, clearing the way for us. Fives and I followed shortly behind Ahsoka but were once again stopped by the guards.

"Oh, they're with me. I'm a pretty valuable asset to my home planet so I brought my personal guards to escort me."

We finally made it through and followed the sound of the music.

"I was expecting you to use a Jedi mind trick," said Fives.

"Those slimeballs are too dumb, it's not even worth the effort," Ahsoka replied with a smile.

           I had an irking feeling that someone was watching us, but I couldn't see anyone nearby. I warned Ahsoka and Fives to keep their eyes and ears open for anything suspicious. They agreed and we proceeded to cautiously enter the cantina. There were a variety of alien species and humans piled together in the room. All of them conversing and dancing with one another as they drank vigorously from their glasses.

"Where do we even start?", asked Fives.

"I think we should split up so we can cover more ground," I requested.

"I agree," said Ahsoka. She passed each of us a comlink. "These will help."

I turned to Fives. "Remember, all these people are most likely enemies of the Republic. We cannot raise any suspicion. Don't make your questions super specific. Try to act like you're having a friendly conversation with them instead of interrogating them."

"You got it, boss," he responded. "You should have more faith in me by the way. I may not be a Jedi, but I can handle myself just fine." He walked away and looked for someone to talk to.

I felt kind of bad. He was right. I do need to trust him more. It's just that I don't want him getting hurt, especially in a place as dangerous as this. The stakes are too high and slipping up could cost us our lives. I made a promise to myself then and there that I would no longer falter in my faith in him. I mean, why would I? He's the greatest person I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. He's always believed in me so why should I not do the same for him?

           Now that my mind was clear, I casually walked through the cantina, listening to the conversations around me. I had to stand still and focus on my surroundings. I used the Force to focus in on each individual conversation. Most of them had nothing to do with what I was here for. They were just a bunch of drunken nonsense.

"I need to speak to Wanbo the Hutt. I have an urgent message I have to give to him from the Empire."

I immediately opened my eyes and turned in the direction of where I heard the individual speak. It was a female Gossam and she was speaking to who I would guess to be the Hutt's chief of staff.

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