Chapter 4: Git

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When you are in trouble, people who call to sympathise are really only looking for more details- Edgar W. Howe

I am shame
That walks with Love, I am most wise to turn
Cold lips and limbs to fire; therefore discern
And see my loveliness, and praise my name.

In Praise of Shame - Lord Alfred Douglas

In the kitchen, Hermione was up and about and preparing breakfast. Sean was sprawled over one of the sofas, his mouth open and snoring gently.

"I found this," Hermione said to Harry, motioning to the black t-shirt she was wearing this morning. "Is it ok if I wear it?"

"Sure," Harry said, sitting down next to the table, "what's for breakfast."

"Pancakes," she said cheerfully, doling out generous helpings onto five plates. There were general sighs of appreciation and gratitude from those assembled.

"Granger, I think I'm in love with you," Draco said sleepily, and he, Harry and Hermione all froze simultaneously.

"What did you just call her?" Ginny asked curiously. Draco issued a silent plea with his eyes to Harry, who was as much at a loss as he was.

"Just a joke they shared earlier," Harry said quickly. "I don't understand it either." Ginny gave Draco a funny look and sat down. Draco successfully disguised his blush by pouring honey onto his mound of pancakes.

"Thanks for this, Hermione," Harry said, trying to change the subject. Draco grunted.

They ate quickly and when they were finished, Ginny got up to help Hermione wash the dishes.

"Watch it," Harry hissed at Draco, "you keep doing that."

"I know," Draco was studying the table.

"Someone's going to suspect something," Harry went on, more than a little annoyed at Draco's slip of the tongue. His senses were on high alert after the warnings Hermione had issued them, and he was increasingly wary of betraying anything that might lead Death Eaters to them one way or another. It was for this reason, then, that he took Draco's apparent nonchalance with such bad grace.

"I know," Draco replied.

"Like Hermione said, we could be in danger if anyone finds out about this."

"I KNOW!" Draco snapped so loudly that there was the tinkle of breaking glass from the kitchen as Ginny dropped a cup in surprise. Their two heads peered round the corner as they looked at Harry and Draco, glaring at each other across the table. Without warning, Draco got up with a start and stalked out. Harry cast Hermione and Ginny an apologetic look before following him.

From the corner, Sean woke up with a start.

"What did I miss?" he asked.

Harry followed Draco into the bedroom, where the blond leaned heavily against the windows looking out onto the world.

"What's wrong with you?" Harry asked.

"Nothing, Potter," Draco barked, "just leave me alone."

"No," said Harry stubbornly, "not until you tell me why you're in such a foul mood all of a sudden."

"Because I'm sick of this!" Draco whirled round. "I'm sick of having to pretend we're fucking each other, sick of not knowing what to say in this fucked up future, sick of pretending to be friends with those fucking Gryffindors."

"Did you just use the word 'fuck' three times in one sentence?" Harry asked, trying to placate Draco who was talking easily loud enough to be overheard.

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