Chapter 8: Buried Suspicions

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You'll never live like common people
You'll never do whatever common people do
You'll never fail like common people
You'll never watch your life slide out of view
and then dance and drink and screw
'cos there's nothing else to do

- Common People - Pulp

It soon became apparent that under the stars was not, perhaps, the best place for a little light-hearted fondling. Before long, Draco happened to look up from his activities to see a greasy old man staring avidly at them from a window in the next building. The idea of being watched by some such voyeur made him shudder and the pair retreated inside where there was warmth and a distinct lack of greasy old men.

That night they lay curled side by side in the large bed, their hands brushing with a tentative contact. Each was fast asleep and each was dreaming, as they did almost every night, of the significant times of the years they had skipped when they had drunk the potion.

Draco's were disappointingly banal that night, as he dreamt about various moments with the Slytherins, but Harry's were more vivid than ever before.

He was dreaming of Draco and himself, of the first time they had had sex since they had been reunited. He could feel, from the dream, that it had been a long time for both of them, and Harry felt himself writhe atop the bed as he witnessed their intense coition with something akin to arousal.

He awoke sweating and sat bolt upright in bed, breathing hard. He had never dreamed that sex could be so passionate and fierce; at Hogwarts he had fucked pallid girls whose faces had blended into each other, he had fucked them to forget, to provide a moment's release from reality. In his dream, Draco hadn't let him escape for one moment. Their actions had blurred into a frenzied game of touching, tasting and the sheer, animal need of two people who could not bring themselves to be parted from each other.

It had been utterly perfect.

Harry felt his breathing calm slightly, even though there was still a sheen of sweat on his brow. He rubbed it, his thoughts replaying that sweet moment of ecstasy over and over again. The shift in his position had made Draco stir beside him.

"What's wrong?" came the groggy voice, as Draco struggled to sit up.

"Nothing," Harry said breathlessly. "Just had a dream, that's all." Draco rubbed his eyes.

"Me too," he said, "but it was really boring, what was yours about?" His eyes appearing less misty, he looked at Harry who glanced away, blushing.

"It was…um…the first time we had sex since we were reunited," he said.

Draco looked faintly interested. "Any good?"

"Yeah," Harry said distractedly, remembering particularly vividly the way in which Draco eyes had glazed over when he came. "Yeah it was."

"I can see it's had something of an effect on you," Draco said matter-of-factly, as his fingers traced Harry's inner thigh, resting on the hardness in his pyjamas. Harry didn't answer straight away. The dream had turned him on more than he would care to admit, and the position of Draco's hand was doing little to help him. Instead of shrugging Draco off and vanishing into the bathroom, his mind came to a more gratifying resolution.

Without a moment's hesitation Harry turned and crashed down on Draco, their lips meeting with incredible force and it was a second or two before the initial pain turned into a torrid pleasure. The flash of surprise on Draco's face soon melted into satisfaction as his eyes closed and he allowed Harry to rest on top of him, their lips moving as though trying to suck the souls from their mouths.

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