Chapter 11: Through Glassy Eyes

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Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag and begin slitting throats - H.

Dying is a very dull and dreary affair, and my advice to you is to have nothing to do with it - Somerset Maugham

The pub became a mad scramble of activity as people tried to rush for the door. The Death Eaters didn't let them, however, and shot many people back towards the bar, magically locking the door, trapping everyone inside. The witches were screaming hysterically, the leprechauns were hiding under a table and the old men and women were huddling together as far away from the Death Eaters as possible, their eyes wide and frightened. The Death Eaters did not move to eliminate them, though. When they raised their wands at the 'hostages' it was to cast invisible magical bonds around them to prevent them from moving or helping. This was an act of revenge so complete that the glory of it was the ultimate aim. They needed witnesses.

They needn't have worried, though, the Death Eaters had eyes for only two people, both of whom were frozen to the spot in abject terror, unable to move.

"Shit!" Harry exclaimed, and both he and Draco dived to the floor as the first curses hurtled towards them, incinerating the table and chairs.

"What's going on?" Draco cried as Harry dragged him to his feet and they both pulled out their wands. The Death Eaters lowered their hoods, and the sallow faces of Macnair, Avery and Lestrange stared at the two men.

"This was what I was going to tell you," Harry said, looking at the silent Death Eaters, "we're in a bit of trouble."

"Who are you?" the barman asked fearfully. "What do you want?"

"We have come for Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy," Bellatrix Lestrange said, her eyes glinting evilly in the firelight.

"Harry Potter?!" one of the witches shrieked, "Draco Malfoy? Here?"

"They stand before us," Bellatrix said in a voice that would have cut steel. "But not for long." The muttering around them intensified until it resembled the buzzing of angry bees.

"Auntie Bella," Draco said, almost conversationally, "you're looking more unpleasant than usual."

"Quiet, traitor!" Bellatrix snapped, raising her wand until it pointed at Draco's throat. "I always said that you would be a thorn in your father's side, and I was right. My poor Narcissa thought she could make a real man out of you, but you were always going to be your family's ruin."

"I take it you don't like me much any more," Draco pointed out coolly.

"To betray the name of Malfoy was bad enough," Bellatrix went on, "but to consort with Potter of all people. You can sink no lower."

"As opposed to you," Draco snapped, "who can take the moral high ground even when about to kill your own nephew."

"Lestrange," Harry hissed, "you bitch. Do you really think you can fight us with any hope?" Even in the horrible tenseness of the moment he was glad that his voice did not quaver.

"You are the reason our master is weak and lost," Macnair said through cracked lips, "you are his bane. He will reward us greatly for killing you." Harry sensed what Draco was about to do.

"Avada Kedavra!" Draco yelled and a flash of green light shot from his wand towards Bellatrix. Several people screamed but she was too quick for him and shouted,

"Protego!" The spell reflected back to Draco who ducked just in time to feel it graze overhead, narrowly missing Harry who had had to throw himself bodily out of the way.

"Stupefy!" Harry yelled, but his beam of red light deflected off Avery's protection charm. He was suddenly thrown into the wooden beams, his head snapping back and all breath snatched from his body. Macnair had shot a spell at him that had flung Harry into the wall, winded him and caused his arm to crack against the timber. He cried out in pain and sank, crumpled to the floor.

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